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Release history for Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) – Office release notes | Microsoft Docs


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Microsoft Office – Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Docs.Update history for Office C2R and Office – Office release notes | Microsoft Docs

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If you have another version of Microsoft Office on your Windows computer, you’ll need to remove it. If you have no other versions of MS Office on your computer. August release. Release Date: August 13, Microsoft AutoUpdate Feature Updates: Fixed various issues for improving voice over. Provides IT Pros with an update history for perpetual versions of Office 20that use Click-to-Run (C2R).


September 7, , update for Office (KB)

May 20,  · The following table lists all replace.me files that have been released since Office was released in September Where there is a security release date for replace.me file that is greater than the non-security release date, the non-security release is not needed because it has been superseded by the security replace.me filename. 84 rows · May 24,  · Microsoft releases security and quality updates for the Click-To-Run (C2R) version of Office and for Office , which is exclusively C2R. These updates are released approximately once a month, usually on the second Tuesday of the month. If you’d like to verify that you’re up to date, check your Office version number and manually update. Sep 22,  · REDMOND, Wash. — Sept. 22, — On Tuesday, Microsoft Corp. began the worldwide release of Office The apps are the latest addition to Office , Microsoft’s cloud-based subscription service that helps people do their best work, together. The company also announced new and enhanced Office services built for team productivity. “The way [ ]Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins.


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