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Bartender 3 hide notification center free


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Keep your menu bar clutter free with Bartender.

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Last Jump to page:. November 1, Manual selection of available achievements by location. Shows cenfer. Create fake notkfication links to be used in that messages to impress noobs, fake PGMs and notificatiln laugh your friends and the girls! Year is in 2-digit bzrtender representing the year of the 21st Century. If you don’t have any target, the link is generated for больше на странице character.

Notifiaction spoofy results with NPCs. Of course, this won’t give you the achievement and the real achievement can be verified in the armory. This is just attended for fun and to shut those arrogant fake PGM’s mouths. NPCScan helps you find NPCs by scanning nameplates, minimap vignettes, and mouseover targets, with an optional dynamic targeting keybinding. Once an NPC is found by one of these methods, an on screen alert is displayed and an audio alert is played. Nameplates Alerts will be triggered whenever bartender 3 hide notification center free nameplate is created, if that nameplate belongs to one of the tracked NPCs.

This only attempts a search each time it is triggered; it is not a continuous search. You can also bind a key to nartender the newest button, in cases where multiple buttons are spawned. Note: These buttons cannot be shown during combat.

In the unlikely case that you do find a tracked NPC while fighting, the button or buttons will appear after you bartender 3 hide notification center free combat. New sounds can be added to the alert sound dropdown bartender 3 hide notification center free by installing SharedMedia.

All mentioned addons are available in this private post!! Tools and tweaks to make the lives of players seeking Achievements a little bit easier. Most features listed here are optional. General: Slash commands to search for achievements by name.

Automatically track timed achievements when the timer starts. Cemter Tooltip Enhancements: Add information from progress bars and normally-hidden progress information. Optionally add the achievement’s ID to its tooltip. Convenient for addon authors. Objectives Frame Achievement Tracker : Display a tooltip when hovering over an achievement title to see more details about it.

Display a tooltip when the cursor is over certain achievements in the GUI: ”Part of a series”: Give the names of other achievements in the series and baartender relation to them. Meta-criteria achievements displayed as the criteria for frfe a larger achievement in the GUI use a detailed achievement tooltip instead of simply bartenrer the date the criteria was completed or windows password complexity requirements free if it isn’t complete.

Achievement-specific Options: World Explorer: Automatically track exploration achievements as you travel. Includes many dungeon and raid-based achievements. Sound Reminder: Choose a sound to play when one of the above tooltip reminders shows up if you need to do something. See “Disabling Modules,” below. Key Bindings You can associate key bindings notitication each of the new tabs added to the Achievement frame using the standard key binding interface.

The new bindings are located under the heading “Overachiever. To unattach the noitfication from this position handling and have Overachiever remember where the frame is from session to session, check the “Remember /9617.txt option under the “Main Achievement UI frame” option.

Once in the position bartender 3 hide notification center free desire, you may want to uncheck the “Main Achievement UI frame” option so you don’t accidentally move it elsewhere. They can be enabled fdee disabled as notificatin would a separate addon. Additionally, the individual Search and Bartender 3 hide notification center free components of the /17002.txt module can be disabled by deleting or renaming Search.

What it does: Reports in chat or with sound when group or raid achievement that you can’t track is failed or when all criteria of the achievement are fullfiled and you need to kill boss. Informs about achievements when you enter the instance or target the boss.

Need to install AchievementsReminder Manual selection of achievements by location available. Need to install AchievementsReminder Shows tactics. You should install this module if you want to track achievements nottification WotLK, Cataclysm expansions.

RaidAchievementFilter allows you to avid media composer 8 manual free through your raid, dungeon, and scenario achievements, filtered by instance. They are also sorted into typical boss order. You can link achievements in chat, add them to tracking, open them in the Blizzard achievement UI and hide achievements you have already completed by character or by account.

Cenfer will also automatically switch to the instance you are in when you zone in. Bartender 3 hide notification center free the achievement icon to see the criteria you have completed, if applicable. Left-click an achievement to open in the Blizzard achievement UI. Note – You must have opened the achievement UI prior to this bartender 3 hide notification center free logging in. Tick the “Hide Completed” by account or by character tick boxes to filter out achievements completed by only that character or your entire account.

Description: A simple addon that shows which tabards you have or have not equipped centr suggests additional tabards to help with meeting the various tabard achievements.

Equip data comes from the server. No need to re-equip all the tabards to update the status to addon. Suggestions – Shows suggested tabards to equip to help with meeting the tabard achievements.

Mouse Over tabard icon – shows in game tooltip. Ctrl-Click tabard icon – will launch Dressing Room with tabard equipped. See what your character looks like in the other factions tabards. Also centsr TCG tabards читать статью buying.

Shift-Click tabard icon – will insert item link into active chat edit box. Mouse Over tabard items in game – will show if tabard has been equipped or not. Click any tabard entry to show a yide preview of the tabard and a wowhead url. Search – click the search icon to toggle the input field to search the tabards FAQ s : Why show tabards not available to my character?

Many people like to see what their horde character looks like in ffree tabards and vice versa in the Dressing Room. You can also see what your character looks like in TCG loot code tabards before buying a loot code.

The “Suggestions” tab will show only tabards that are available to your character. Description AutoBar is a Multi-bar mod that automatically adds potions, water, food, quest and other items you specify into buttons for easy use.

Does not use up action slots. You can create your own categories of items, dragging items from bags, or spells norification spell books into it. You bartender 3 hide notification center free make custom Buttons that contain 1 or more Custom or Built in baetender. You can create custom Bars bartender 3 hide notification center free organize your Buttons to suit your interface needs.

WoW has thousands of items you may obtain. AutoBar automatically organizes frequently used items for you, saving you bartender 3 hide notification center free drudgery of dragging stuff from your bags to an action bar. Bartender 3 hide notification center free AutoBar does not use up the limited action slots available, bartender 3 hide notification center free can save those for your spells and abilities.

Please provide this version number with any hied reports you make. Move the Bars – This turns the bars green and makes them draggable. The name of the bar is also shown over the buttons. When you’ve placed them where you want them, click this button to set them back to their normal state.

Move the Buttons – This lets you move the nktification to change their order or move them to a different bar. While in “move mode” the button name or as much of it as will fit is shown over the button Key Bindings – Click this to set Key Bindings for the buttons.

When in this mode, hover the mouse pointer over a button and hit a key combination. You can choose to have the botification binds be character-specific or account-wide.

Clamp Bars to Screen – This makes it impossible to move the bars off-screen. If you change it, you will need to reload the UI before it takes effect. Show Minimap Icon – Toggles whether the Minimap icon is displayed. Show Empty Buttons – If set, all Enabled buttons will be shown even if they have no items or spells available.

Show Count Text – Shows the cree of charges for a spell, or how many of an item you have. Show Hotkey Text – Enables the showing bartender 3 hide notification center free assigned Keybind on the button. Show Tooltips – Enables fref for fred spells and items in the buttons.

Crnter Tooltips in Combat – Should tooltips be shown while in combat? FadeOut Delay – The number of seconds to bartende before starting to Fade after the mouse is no longer over the bar.

FadeOut Alpha – This is the transparency level that the bar will reach. If it takes too long, a message will be printed to the chat window. Log Events – This will log every message that AutoBar processes to the chat window.

It prints a LOT of stuff. Log Memory – If checked, the amount of memory that AutoBar is using will be printed to the chat window after every event. If you are having performance issues you can try disabling this.

Since this causes AutoBar to update less frequently there may be side-effects.


Bartender 3 – Customize Your Overloaded Menu Bar – Mause Reviews.


Stance Extras Bar Speed: Consumable. Speed Free Action: Consumable. Free Action Explosive: Muffin. Explosives Fishing: Muffin. Lure, Muffin. Misc, Muffin. Rare Fish, Muffin. Fishing, Tradeskill. Gear, Tradeskill. Other, Tradeskill. Tool, Tradeskill. Bait, Spell. Fishing Archaeology: Muffin. Crate, Muffin. Mission, Spell. Archaeology optional Pets: Battle Pet. Favourites, Macro. SummonRandom, Macro. DismissPet, Macro.

Battle Standard. Battleground, Misc. Alterac Valley, Misc. Guild Openable: Muffin. Feast, Misc. Permanent, Misc. Fun, Misc. Replenished Guild Spells: Spell.

Guild Sunsong Ranch: Muffin. SunSongRanch Milling: Tradeskill. Herbalism Battle Pet Items: Muffin. Battle Pet Items. Level, Muffin. Upgrade, Muffin. Bandages, Muffin. Pet Treat, Muffin. Pet Battle, Spell. Pet Battle, Muffin.

Companion Pet. Ornamental optional Raid Targets: Macro. Raid Target Toy Box: Toys. ToyBox Reputation: Muffin. Theoretically, anything you can do from the GUI can also be done from the commandline, though it is less convenient. Run this command again to lock them in place. Known Issues These are all of the issues known at this time. The new Falcosaur Mounts do not appear on the Mount button. This is a Blizzard bug. You also can’t use them from a macro. Sometimes popups don’t pop back down when you move the mouse over them quickly.

The UI notifies AutoBar when the mouse enters the area, but not always when it exits. Custom macros do not show cooldown information. The Category dropdown in the custom button dialog is sorted randomly. With Custom Macro buttons, Toys will show the tooltips for the items that teach them.

It is harmless though. FAQ Here are answers to some questions that come up often. I don’t see any Mounts or as many as I expect on the Mount button. Check the configuration of the Mount button. This is a sign that Blizzard changed some spell IDs so the ones AutoBar expected are no longer there.

Please report this on the forum. There are items missing from the buttons New items are added pretty frequently. I do my best to stay on top of it, but I’m bound to miss some. Please post on forum. Please include a WoWHead link to the missing item and the name of the button where you think it should be added. How can I set the icon on a custom macro? AutoBar does its best to parse the macros you give it to choose the proper icon, but if you need to specify it directly you can use ” showtooltip” or ” show” followed by the name of a spell or item to use as the icon.

Please check the configuration of your Hearth button. There is a checkbox to “Include Ancient Dalaran”. Is there a way to make the Bars vertical? Go into the Bars config, select the bar you’re interested in on the left “Basic”, for example. Then scroll down through the options until you reach the General block. There you’ll see settings for the Rows and Columns. Set the Columns to 1 and the Rows to whatever you want the height of the bar to be.

You’ll likely want to change the Popup Direction setting in the same area too. Bartender4 is a full ActionBar replacement mod. It provides you with all the features needed to fully customization most aspects of your action and related bars. Easy Hotkey Binding using KeyBound Options to control the hiding of the default blizzard artwork you might still want that to be displayed..

FAQ How do i access the Configuration? Where are my keybindings? And how do i bind new keys? Bartender4 buttons do not automatically inherit keybindings from the Blizzard bars except for Bar 1 , you have to use the new KeyBound to re-bind your keys. Hover a button, press key? Can I skin the buttons beyond the built-in options? Bartender4 allows skinning through Masque!

After installing both Bartender4 and Masque, you can customize the BT4 appearance in the Masque options. How do i disable the snapping of the bars? Currently, you can temporarily override the snapping by holding down the Shift Key while moving your bars, or uncheck the option in the popup when your bars are unlocked. What is “BindPad”? BindPad is an addon to make KeyBindings for spells, items, and macros.

You no longer need actionbar slots just to make Key bindings for your macores etc. BindPad addon provides many icon slots in its frame. You can drag and drop anything into one of these slots, and click the slot to set KeyBindings. How to use “BindPad”? Also you can use three mini-icons on BindPad frame to open these windows. Click it, and a dialog window “Press a key to bind” will appear. And click ‘Close’ button. Note that KeyBinding itself will not be unbinded when you delete the icon.

To unbind it, click the icon and click Unbind button on the dialog window. Also you can simply override Keybindings. How to use tabs 3. From BindPad version 1. You can click a Profile tab to switch current Profile, and your choice of Profile is saved for each Talent specs and automatically reverted to former profile when you change talent spec.

If you choose same Profile for both talent specs this automatic change will not happen. Can i switch profile in combat? On stance change? No, you cannot. This works for all classes with stances Including rogues for stealth [stance:1] and shadow dance [stance:2] or none of the previous [stance:0]. Older versions of BindPad just let you save your limited action bar slots. This new BindPad will let you save your limited macro slots on the standard “Create Macro” panel.

You can use these functions and many others in any addons or macros. Each bar can have up to buttons organised into rows and columns up to buttons total. Your existing UI wont be changed by Button Forge, it will continue to function and look how it currently does. The bars you create are totally independent allowing you to simply and cleanly add additional action bars to your UI.

The new buttons operate almost identically to the default action buttons i. Creation and configuration of the bars is done via the mouse using a GUI interface. This GUI is designed to be straight forward and easy to use, although there is documentation for both basic and advanced configuration options below. Features Create as many bars as you wish theoretical limit is Create as many buttons as you wish up to per bar with a total maximum of Fully graphical configuration Key Bindings Drag and drop actions to buttons spells, items, macros, companions, equipment sets, Button Forge commands Set the scale of the Bars Control how many rows and columns of buttons are on a bar Setup visibility macros for your bars so that they can be shown and hidden even during combat Button Facade Support How Do I Basics Enter into configuration mode Configuration mode is where you will do things such as create new bars and buttons, position them, etc Any macro conditional in the game can potentially also be used to control if a Button Forge bar is hidden or visible even during combat To setup a visibility macro click the Eye icon and type in the conditional and then press enter or escape to cancel No visibility driver will be set for the bar, and it will always be visible Make the actions on a bar change depending on combat status, or while stealthed, or cat form, etc This actually can’t be done, but the same effect can be achieved by taking visibility macros a step further.

You can place several bars into the same position on screen and setup visibility macros so that only 1 is displayed at any given time, I will describe the following example to illustrate how to do this. Lets say you are a druid and want a bar in the center of the screen to have actions for catform and bearform in the same position, and to swap between them depending on your current form: Create a bar and position it where you want, set it’s scale and the number of buttons you want on it Optionally add a label to it to help identify it easier in the interface lets make this one the bear bar Drag the abilities you want on to it Set the visibility macro to [bonusbar:3] show; hide Create another bar place it in the same position as the first one You might notice that it has docking to make this really easy Double click the scale button to default the bar to have the same scale as the first bar double click again will revert back to the standard scale of 1 Optionally label the bar for cat form this time Drag the abilities you want to it Set the visibility macro to [bonusbar:1] show; hide Exit configuration mode and give it a try If you also wanted to setup key bindings you could do this as well since you can reuse bindings.

The buttons in each position on the two bars can have the same binding since only one bar will show up at a time if at all. Also note that if you want to alternate between which bar you are working on during configuration mode you can use the Send to Front and Send to Back icons so you don’t have to move bars out of the way.

Make tabs for bars so that it is easier to configure bars located in the same place on screen Set a label for the bar and position the top left corner of the bar be the same as another bars. Each bar that has a label set will have that label organised from left to right above the bars. Clicking the respective tab label will bring that bar to the top.

Note: Even without a tab for the bar you can still bring it to the front or send it to the back by clicking on it’s Send To Front and Senf To Back buttons respectively. Create a bonus bar contains the abilities when you enter a vehicle, possess another unit, or the special abilities given during specific fights This can be done using the Create Bonus Bar button.

Note that the standard Bonus Bar will continue to function as normal so creating a Button Forge bonus bar is purely optional. Notes: The Button Forge bonus bar is a clone of Bonus Bar 5; that is the action bar that receives special actions at certain times during game play e. Q You may have some questions not covered above, I will try to address those here.

Why do all bars and buttons show up in configuration mode even when some are configured not to show up currently? This is done so that you always can configure a bar even if it has a rule set to prevent it from being visible. This also means you can assign actions to bars that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to without having to temporarily unset their visibility macro etc This happens because sometimes combat may happen when you least expect it.

So that you don’t have a messy UI which could make it very hard for you to respond to the threat, the Bars and buttons will obey their display rules when in combat regardless of if you are in configuration mode or not.

Why does my key combination trigger some strange action when in configuration mode? If you have the same key binding for multiple buttons it could be triggering any of them This is because while in configuration mode all buttons are visible and so it is ambigous which key binding to use, while this is annoying it even trips me up sometimes it will correct itself once you exit configuration mode or enter combat.

Why does my key combination trigger some strange action when not in configuration mode? This will most likely be because you have used the same key binding for multiple buttons and those buttons are visible at the same time, in such a case you will need to either choose a different binding, or configure the display rules for the bars such that only one of the buttons is visible at a time please note that even if empty buttons are hidden, the key binding will still apply Why can’t I allocated more buttons to my bar?

Several configuration options wont work while in combat. Or alternatively you may have hit the upper limit for the number of buttons on the bar currently , or the total number of allowed buttons may be exceeded currently Why can’t I set the scale? Or alternatively the desired scale may cause the bar to exceed the size of the screen in which case the scale will be rejected. I’ve setup bars for my different druid forms but when switching between them the bars dissappear briefly?!

This is because the visibility rules are treated exactly and there may be a brief swap over period where none of the conditionals are true.

If you were using [form:1] show; hide for Bear, and [form:3] show; hide for cat to show the bar, when you switch between cat and bear form there is actually a brief period where you are neither of those forms and so neither of those bars will show.

To get around this issue use the [bonusbar: ] conditional in place of the form conditional. It responds to shapeshift changes etc but will keep the bar available the same length of time the default ui keeps it available. Either the bar has not been assigned a label, or its the only bar with its Top Left corner in that position This is most likely because you are in combat, it is not possible to autodock in this case unfortunately Note also that auto docking will only take place when the top left corner of two bars get fairly close to each other.

This is intentional so that changing the orientation of the bar is easy Note that having multiple rows and columns could sometimes result in the abilities being repopulated into locations which might seem strange, this is due to the specific rules of how the bonus actions are repopulated always remember an action wont be populated back onto the bar if it is already there, and also that button positions are always counted from left to right, top to bottom.

Why can I sometimes trigger actions on the BF bonus bar even when Bonus Bar 5 is not active and I’m seeing the blue Bonus Action number icons This is because sometimes the bonus actions assigned remain available even after the bonus bar is gone e. Mind of the Beast , I believe this is the case when it is for actions you could trigger anyway e.

The default and recommended behaviour is for the bonus bar to be hidden when not available. If people request it I can look to introduce it however. Note that using mouse look to raise lower will work as normal, as will the standard raise and lower buttons. ButtonTimers is action buttons with timers attached.

The timers are highly configurable, with lots of options to play with. Important note: There are a limited number of action slots These correspond to 10 bars of 12 buttons each. Chances are you aren’t using all 12 slots on all 10 bars. You can configure ButtonTimers to use any of the action slots you want. Do this with the “First button on bar is.. If you don’t change the “First button on bar is.. Note that bars are by default the stance bars, so if your class uses stances you may wish to change it.

Getting Started: When you first start the mod, you will see 4 bars of 12 buttons each. Next change the number of buttons from 12 to however many buttons you would like to see. Now change the action slots the bar is showing you. Just take the action offset slider and slide it until you see some unused action buttons. If that’s what you want the timer to reflect, you are done. If you want to see a cooldown instead, select the configuration for the button and change the selector from “Aura” to “Cooldown”.

There are lots of configuration options, go ahead and play with them. But that should be enough to get you started. You can also put the timers on the buttons themselves. Blizzard gives action slots, which are traditionally allocated into 10 bars, but this mod gives a finer control over which slots you wish to use. Just slide this control until you find some unused slots.

Button options are: ”’ Type: ”’ Set whether you wish to monitor a cooldown or an aura on the default bar target.

You can also monitor both aura and cooldown. The cooldown will show up on the button and the aura timer on the bar if you select both. For example, if you choose a fixed time with a time of 10s, a full bar will always represent 10 or more seconds.

Any timer durations longer than Bar Time will show as a full bar. Click this button if you wish to see other’s spells as well. The timer will always show your own spell if you have one on the target. Note: Pet spells do not count as being cast by you, so if you wish to monitor a pet spell then click this button. In this field you can enter additional auras in a comma separated list to look for. If Show Aura Icon is also checked, then the icon on the button when no timer is present will be the first aura listed in the Other Auras field.

But you can also enter a spell name to monitor instead. It also controls what target to monitor for auras. Also tints the action button. The number will flash as the cooldown reaches a certain number. Note that only cooldowns that exceed a certain number of seconds will be presented to prevent mass spamming of cooldowns when the global cooldown is activated. Dependencies Optionally dependent on Cosmos.

Sorry about this. This is why you will probably see a lot of “Dependency missing” in your AddOn configuration window on your Character Screen. Dominos is an action bar addon intended to do the following: Reuse as much standard blizzard action button code as possible. Contain a relatively minimal feature set Be easy to use Be stable It includes the following features: 10 action bars, pet, class, menu, and bag bars. Each one has customizable settings for padding, spacing, columns, scale, and opacity.

Customizable paging. You can switch pages on: action bar pages, modifier keys, forms, and targeting. Customizable show states. You can tell your bar under which macro options to show. Fading bars. You can set your bars to fade out to a certain opacity when not moused over.

EBB provides groups of statusbar style indicators to show de buffs currently affecting your char or some other units currently focus, pet and target. For the player, it can also show indicators for temporary enchants place on it’s weapons. Due to changes Blizzard made with WoW 4. Currently EBB limits canceling of buffs to out-of-fight since using SecureAuraHeader would have required a major code restructuring.

This will be coming in a later version. Version 2. It’s now possible to show different groups of bars which can be configured in many ways. Each group can be assigned an individual look and filter settings. After setting up a group, its anchor can be hidden by alt-left clicking a bar or the anchor itself in order to lock the group in place. SharedMedia is in my private list!

OPie is a radial action-binding addon for World of Warcraft. It lets you group actions into rings, which appear when you hold down a keyboard or mouse binding. When you release the binding, OPie will perform an action based on where your mouse cursor is. Use OPie to reduce the amount of clutter on your action bars: slices in OPie rings can contain your abilities, your pets’ abilities, items, professions, battle pets, equipment sets, macros, and raid or world markers.

Some rings for common class abilities and professions are included, as is a special quest items ring which automatically makes all of your quest and quest-starting items easily accessible. Other addons may add additional rings; for example, Spade uses OPie rings to let you chose the seeds you want to plant on your farm. See the Guide for more details, or check out the screenshots and videos below, with more available in the Gallery. Basics Once you’ve installed OPie, you can use it immediately, and customize it further within the game.

Several rings are automatically created when you install OPie, including the Trade Skills ring which contains all of the trade skills your character knows , which you can open by holding down ALT-T. Skip to the next section to find out how to change OPie bindings. The ring will remain visible for as long as you hold down the binding used to open it.

The color of the inner ring and pointer changes to reflect your selection. When you release the binding, the selected skill will be used.

You can close an OPie ring without performing any actions by right-clicking, pressing Escape, or by releasing the binding while the mouse cursor is in the middle of the ring. Binding rings Most of the rings built into OPie specify default bindings, which will only be used if they do not conflict with any existing bindings in your UI.

Ring bindings that you explicitly set will be always be used. You can change or disable the binding used for any OPie ring from the Ring Bindings configuration panel. Left-click on a button next to the name of the ring the binding of which you’d like to change, and then press the new key binding, click “Unbind” below to disable the ring’s binding, or right-click on the button to restore the default ring binding.

Creating your own rings You can choose which actions appear in OPie rings: you can modify or delete the rings included by default, or create entirely new rings to fit your play style. From there, either select an existing ring using the dropdown menu, or click “New Ring The list of actions “slices” appears to the left of the ring details view. You can click on an action in this list to view and edit details concerning the slice, or drag the icon away from the vertical list to remove the slice from the ring.

Add new slices by clicking the smaller plus button at the bottom of the slice list, and browsing to find the desired actions. You can add as many slices to a ring as you wish. If you intend to use the ring in combat, it is best not to include more than 8 slices: quickly selecting a specific slice in a larger ring is difficult.

Sharing rings You can share your custom rings with other players. Given a ring snapshot, the other player can recreate the ring by clicking the “New Ring There are a number of behavior options of particular interest: Center rings at mouse By default, OPie puts rings at the center of your screen, and you activate slices by moving the mouse to particular locations.

With this option enabled, rings will be centered at the mouse cursor instead, letting you simply move the mouse in a particular direction to activate a slice. Quick action at ring center Enabling this option allows OPie to remember which slice you used last. If you release the ring binding while your mouse is in the center of the ring, this slice will be used again.

OPie will only remember using slices for which the “Allow as quick action” checkbox in the Custom Rings ring detail view has been checked. Per-slice bindings With this option enabled, slices can also be selected by pressing specific bindings when a ring is open. Activate on left click By default, OPie will perform an action when you release the ring binding. With this option enabled, the ring remains open until you select a slice by clicking the left mouse button.

Appearance options are more straightforward: you can use those to control what OPie will show you when you interact with a ring. If you’ve replaced your stance bar with a ring, you can also choose to hide the default stance bar here. Advanced Features OPie has a large number of options that allow further customization, but are not required to use the addon.

This section describes some of the more interesting advanced features. Profiles Profiles allow you to save OPie options and ring bindings, but not custom rings or their contents.

OPie will automatically activate the last profile used by your character’s specialization group when you log in or switch active specs. To switch to a different profile, select the desired profile within the same dropdown. Per-ring customization of options You can customize many of OPie’s options on a per-ring basis, which can for example be used to enable per-slice bindings for only some rings. Select the desired ring from the right-most dropdown on the OPie options panel to change options for only that ring.

A similar dropdown appears in the bindings panel, allowing you to switch between customizing ring bindings, per-slice bindings defaults or per-ring per-slice bindings , and other miscellaneous bindings.

When you do this, a single slice of the nested ring will appear within the outer ring; if you select that slice, that action will be performed. When you position the mouse cursor to selected a nested ring slice, the nested ring appears as a smaller sub-ring. You can rotate which slice of this ring appears within the main ring by scrolling the mouse wheel. While a nested ring slice is selected, you can click the middle mouse button to open the nested sub-ring.

You can customize the buttons used to scroll through and open nested rings through the OPie Bindings panel: select “Other Bindings” from the right-most dropdown box. Conditional bindings OPie allows you to dynamically change ring bindings depending on the state of Macro conditionals , and extended macro conditionals. Alt-click on a ring binding button to enter a conditional binding.

Some examples: [nocombat][mod] The slice is shown while you’re out of combat, or if you’re holding a modifier key alt, control, or shift , while opening the ring. When evaluating the [mod] family of macro conditionals, any modifiers that are part of the binding are ignored.

This addon is able to make suggestions of what spell you may want to cast next by flashing on top of the spell buttons. Why use tullaRange over something like RedRange? The main thing I do differently is that I replace each individual action button’s OnUpdate handler with a single global one. The end result is that tullaRange uses less CPU than other implementations.

The Cursor Each character’s cursor can be customized to match that character’s style. They can have multiple layers, so you can mix and match different styles. Sets Save, load, and delete cursors for your other characters to use. Cursor Lets you preview and edit each layer of your active cursor. Preset Name This dropdown lists all preset effects in the chosen Preset Type. File Path Shows the location of the current effect model. The checkered box on the right side previews the layer behind a dummy cursor.

The Scale slider controls how large the effect should be drawn, ranging from half-size to four times normal size. You have the freedom to customize your UI via the ingame options. It is designed to be easily used and user friendly. This is a full replacement for the default Blizzard user interface UI.

The GrimUI core itself controls your unit frames, artwork, some action buttons and a whole lot more! Best of all, it does this with out you spending hours on placing frames. It looks and functions much like MazzleUI did, it is also similar to nUI if you are familiar with that.

GrimUI out of the box should require no setup itself. Macaroon handles the main action buttons and is included. GrimUI will setup a default Macaroon layout. First you must download this file. Then back up your current Interface and WTF folders in your World of Warcraft directory, in case you decide to revert back.

When you first enter the game on a fresh install the chat frames may appear funny, or its possible sometimes for errors to pop on fresh installs if your say under attack when you log in or in a party or raid. If your chat frames or other frames are out of place Right-Click the GrimUI button on the right side of the screen to access the various reset buttons in the GrimUI options panel. The options panel can also be accessed through the normal Blizzard AddOn Options. GrimUI should now be setup!

Will it work for me? This UI was designed on a wide screen in a x resolution. It was also designed to self adjust for any resolution. I have tested it at other resolutions and they seem to work fine. If you have any problems please post them in the bug section. PartyFrames are now movable as well as most other frames!!!!

Ctrl-LeftClick just above your name or a party members name to grab a hold of the frame and move it. To reset the frames click the rest button in the GrimUI options panel.

AddOn’s Included Macaroon – Macro based action bar replacement. Clique – Advanced click functions including spell binding. All GrimUI unit frames are registered with Clique. Baggins – Inventory AddOn with sorting ability’s. AddOn’s Recommended What I use, feel free to use anything you like!

AdvancedTradeSkillWindow – Makes the crafting window a whole lot better. AutoBar – Best for handling consumables. Capping – PVP timers of all sorts! Other features as well, primarily PVP. DeadlyBossMods – Raid information! JebusMail – Mailbox enhancements. Omen – Threat meter. Recount – Does a lot of stuff, damage meter! SmartBuff – Buff reminders and other buff options. XLoot – Improved loot frame.

XLootGroup – Improved roll frames. Its designed for lightweight use and quick load times. It has almost all of the features of eePanels2 and sports the following additional features.

See in FAQ in the config menu for details. This helps keep the weight down and only loads when you tell it. Layouts Here you can create a layout in order to save it to use later or export it for others to use. You can also import layouts here. To activate, export, delete, or rename a layout simply select it from the list of layouts which appear when you expand the Layouts menu item.

Art Library Custom artwork for panels can be added here. Simply enter a name for your artwork to be referenced within kgPanels, select what type it is Background or Border , and enter the path to the artwork. Dimensions must be powers of 2, e. However, once you have loaded the image this way, if you make any changes and save the image while WoW is running, you’ll have to reload the UI to see them.

Default Panel Options Fairly self explanatory, this has a single panel definition that can be used as a template for new panels you create. When unchecked, you will be able to click on a UI or world object behind the panel and interact with it normally.

When checked, the panel will prevent you from clicking on things behind it. Keep in mind that you will need this enabled if you plan to attach scripts to a panel that use OnLeave, OnEnter, or OnClick mouse events. Lock Panel checkbox: Prevents the panel from being moved or resized using the mouse. You can still define dimensions and location in the panel’s config menu. Remove Panel button: normally this would remove the selected panel from a layout entirely.

Rename: Renames the panel. When Gradient is selected, the color picker affects the left side of a horizontal gradient and the bottom side of a vertical gradient.

When Solid is selected it affects the entire panel’s background. If you want a custom texture to appear then you must select None. The color picker affects the color of the right side of a horizontal gradient and the color of the top of a vertical gradient. Background Color Blending: Unfortunately I can’t seem to discern what this does in a predictable way.

Blending mode determines how the alpha component is applied to the texture. Level slider: Adjusts a panel’s Z-Index within its Strata. A panel with a Z-Index of 0 will appear behind a panel with a Z-Index of 20 unless the first panel is in a higher Strata than the second.

Strata dropdown: Selects the Strata your panel will reside in. According to WoWWiki , the order from lowest to highest. Be aware that it will inherit certain properties from its Parent , and certain mods that recycle frames can cause unpredictable behavior when attaching a panel as a child of a recycled frame. Anchor Frame textbox: This sets the frame that your panel’s anchoring and by extension, positional offset settings will be based on.

Be aware that this doesn’t have to be the same as the panel’s parent frame. Anchor From dropdown: Sets the point on the panel that anchors to its Anchor Frame. Anchor To dropdown: Sets the point on the panel’s anchor frame that the panel anchors to. Rotate slider: Rotate the selected texture. Border Edge Size slider: Adjusts the thickness of a selected border texture measured in pixels.

Background Insets textboxes: Allows you to set an inset for the background texture in order to create additional room for border textures. Font Color picker: Choose the color of the text on your panel. Font Size slider: Set the font size of the text on your panel. Goes from Font: Set the font you want to use, please note this font list is provided by SharedMedia.

Text Positioning textboxes: Allow you set the X and Y Offsets from the center of the panel of your entered text. Scripts Allows you to specify an AddOn dependency for custom scripts on your panel, and to enter your own custom scripts for the following frame event callbacks on the panel: OnLoad: Scripts run when the panel is loaded in the UI. For OnEvent Scripts you’ll generally want to register events to the panel here.

See the full list. You won’t necessarily be able to utilize all of these. OnEvent: Scripts run when events registered with the panel frame are fired. OnUpdate: Scripts run after processing of events and user actions, but before UI elements are drawn on the screen.

OnShow: Scripts run just before a hidden panel frame is shown. OnHide: Scripts run when a visible panel frame is hidden. Requires “Intercept Mouse Clicks” to be enabled on panel: OnEnter: Scripts run when the mouse cursor enters the panel frame. OnLeave: Scripts run when the mouse cursor leaves the panel frame. OnClick: Scripts run when the panel frame recieves a mouse-click.

Active Panels Contains a textbox for entering the name of a new panel, as well as buttons to create the panel based on the defined default template or not. You also access the config menus of panels you have created here, which contain the same config options detailed above.

Profiles Allows you to have entirely separate kgPanels settings for each character, realm, or class. Additionally there is also a default profile and you can create your own. Masque is an add-on for World of Warcraft that provides a skinning engine for button-based add-ons. Note that you must have an add-on that supports Masque installed in order to use it. Masque does not support the default interface. You can also access the options via the Interface Options Window or by clicking on Masque’s icon in a DataBroker display.

It is a single, custom, hand-coded addon. It is small, fast and efficient, easy to install, easy to use and come patch day you only have to worry about updating one mod. Current Features SpartanUI was originally designed to free your screen by moving a majority of the interface elements to the bottom.

While that is still the core focus of the primary addon and configuration it has become much more over the last year. With 3. X Spartan UI Has started on a path to become completely modular so that you, the user can use only the pieces you want and give you the complete control over your UI.

Starting with SpartanUI 4. X SpartanUI will have a fully themeable system giving you multiple looks and styles. While this is partially in place and supported in the current 3. X Builds it is still in its infancy and as such I am holding it back so that i can have the system fully flushed out. We all hate buggy and rocky launches. As part of the new theme system you can even make your own styles and themes as separate add ons.

The Core Spartan UI themes use Bartender4 to manage the bars, as other start to make their own themes I hope that I can come to support many other bar systems.

As part of the move to being modular in design you can now disable the components you don’t want to use and truly make it your UI.

It uses the Pawn addon to compare what you are currently wearing with the items for sale on the auction house. Installation Notes When you install this addon by Curse-client then it will install Auctioneer and Pawn if needed automatically or you can install them manually by yourself. Auctionator is designed for casual everyday auction house users. Auctionator makes the auction house easier to use, by presenting auction house listings clearly and succinctly, and by eliminating the tedium involved in posting and managing auctions.

FAQ Aren’t auction house mods like Auctionator effectively cheating Of course, I don’t think so at all, but that’s not to say that there aren’t problems with the auction house experience.

In particular, the problem of auction house campers, who continually monitor and undercut anyone who undercuts them is a real issue, and when it occurs, the victims’ frustration is quite understandable. But the solution is not to make the auction house so tedious and time-consuming to use, that campers give up. Not that they would anyway. Imagine that the standard auction house user interface were more logical and user-friendly.

Would anyone suggest making it less so, just to attempt to deter auction house campers? Now there’s nothing wrong with undercutting – that’s the way markets are supposed to work. And as much as I don’t like when my own auctions get undercut, the other side of the coin is that it’s a good thing for buyers. The problem is that, the way the WoW auction house works, undercutting by a trivial amount yields far too much benefit to the seller and almost no benefit to the buyer.

Being the cheapest auction, even if by only a single copper, always pushes you to the front of the line. There’s no real-world market I can think of that works like this. Who would pick one music store over another because it sold CDs for a penny less? Or cross the street to a different gas station that sold gas for 2. In real world markets there are always other considerations eg. The solution needs to be inherent to the mechanics of the auction house.

Blizzard needs to make it so that it’s much less effective to camp the auction house. My current thinking is that a good solution would be for Blizzard to implement a minimum undercut of say, 5 percent. That would have the effect of increasing the cost of reposting to sellers and increasing the benefit of lower prices to buyers.

Not clear though what the unintended side-effects of this might be but I think it, or something similar, would be worth a try. Auctionator is Crashing Auctionator is pretty stable these days so if it’s crashing, the most likely reason is that the Auctionator data files stored on your computer have gotten corrupted.

This can happen if Warcraft crashes while writing out these files. Then restart WoW and see if the problem is fixed. If the problem is not fixed, go back to that panel and click Clear Posting History and again, restart WoW and see if the problem is fixed. If not, repeat with the other buttons on that page. If that doesn’t work you may have to manually delete the Auctionator data files.

To do this you need to locate the SavedVariables folder. Delete the two files and restart WoW. Can you add a button to let me cancel multiple auctions with a single click I’m afraid Blizzard intentionally makes this impossible. Can you make it so that I can buy multiple auctions with a single click I’m afraid Blizzard intentionally makes this impossible.

Disconnecting During Full Scan Auctionator has a rate limiter as part of its full scan. Changing the value of that rate limiter might prevent your disconnection. That will change the rate limiter value from the default of 50 to If that doesn’t work you can try lower values. This change is sticky – you don’t have to do it every time you log in.

In item tooltips, why does Auctionator display the most recently scanned price rather than an average of some sort Of course, what we all want is a good estimate of how much a particular item will sell for at the auction house. The question then is whether there is a mathematical function – be it simple historical averaging or something more sophisticated – that can yield a better estimate than simply showing the most recently scanned low price.

It’s certainly possible that there is, but I would bet that it would require quite a bit of sophisticated data analysis and would yield a only a marginal improvement.

Doing something simple, like averaging prices over time or averaging all auctions of the AH is almost certainly going to be worse, in general, then just showing the current low price. After the 4. But every once in a while one player would post a bunch at a very specific price around 25g. I’m guessing that some auction house mod was recommending that price based on some average that included prices before the patch. That’s a problem with using historic data – things change in WoW.

Even when they change less abruptly, averages will respond slowly to upward and downward trends. The other reason Auctionator displays the most recent price, is that it’s very clear what it is. It isn’t some estimate based on historic data of unknown duration, weighted according to some unknown scheme, minus outliers of unknown definition.

Is the most recent price always going to be a good estimate of what an item will sell for? Not always. But that’s also the case for the result of more complicated averages. If you look in the comments or on the forums for other auction house addons, you’ll find plenty of questions about wacky price estimates. Undercut Specific Auction Just click on the auction that you want to undercut and Auctionator will change its recommendations appropriately.

What kind of history does Auctionator track Auctionator tracks two different kinds of history. For a long time, Auctionator has kept a record of auctions that you post. This is displayed for an item when you click the Other tab. As of version 2. When you click the History tab you now see the highest low price recorded for each day. By default, Auctionator keeps the history going back 21 days but you can change that in the Auctionator settings.

Why doesn’t Auctionator show bid or starting prices My number one design goal for Auctionator is to keep it simple. An important piece of this is reducing the clutter of numbers displayed on the screen and the simplest way to do this is to ignore bid prices. For some people this might be a big inconvenience, but I find that the vast majority of users treat the AH more like a marketplace and rarely, if ever, pay any attention to bid prices.

This is fundamental to the design of Auctionator. Why doesn’t Auctionator show seller names This is still something I may add someday. The way the WoW programming interfaces work, it’s faster and more robust to ignore seller names, which is why I haven’t done it yet. Auctioneer Suite Auctioneer Suite provides you with the tools and data necessary to make those difficult auctioning decisions with ease. From purchasing to posting, the Auctioneer Suite provides time-tested tools to allow you more time to actually play your characters or play the market.

As you will soon discover, it is much more than a simple “Auctioning AddOn”, the Auctioneer Suite also shows in-depth information for all game items, such as those used in quests or recipes, enchanting, milling, prospecting and more. Numerous other AddOns will also use the Auctioneer statistics you gather via scanning. Some highlights are: Appraiser An intuitive auction posting frame. Allows queuing of auctions, so you can instruct it to list hundreds of auctions at a time. Note that Blizzard introduced a hardware event requirement to confirm each posting, but, with Appraiser’s Batch Posting, you reduce the total clicks from two per auction, to one.

Allows you to specify the value price of your choice and remembers your selection Displays competing listings, the age of the data, and allows you to sort these listings and refresh them easily. Provides a scrollable list of all auctionable items in your bags; allowing you to quickly post all of your goods.

Provides a “Match Competition” setting which will automatically undercut your competition when posting auctions, within your parameters Provides the ability to change to a “Simple” view; a bit like the Auctioneer Classic posting interface. Allows you to change column width by Right-Clicking and dragging to the column width of your choice. Allows you to post multiple auctions with the single click of the Batch Post button.

Does not actually queue any items to post but prints the exact pricing that will be used on the Auction House in an easily readable format in the “chat window”. This allows a user to verify their settings and make adjustments if necessary.

CompactUI An alternative to the standard auction browsing interface. Displays more auctions per page Displays more data per auction Allows you to change column width by Right-Clicking in the column heading and dragging left or right to resize the column to your liking Provides a percentage comparison with the Market Value Statistic of your choice Allows auctions to be color coded by price level Allows multiple sorting options not available on the standard interface Statistic Modules There are a variety of fully customizable statistic modules included with Auctioneer that can provide a variety of pricing information- all based upon your needs.

This is the default setting and is highly recommended. Essentially, a median value, based upon all prices ever seen; no data is ever discarded. Auc-Stat-iLevel – Statistics modules that groups all items of same rarity, type, and iLevel together e. Useful for pricing random “of the Auc-Stat-Purchased – Statistics module that tries to infer purchase prices based on items disappearing before they could have expired.

Note that this statistic is installed along with BeanCounter, and cannot be installed separately. Auc-Stat-Simple – Statistics module that performs simple averaging of data, converted daily to exponential moving averages of the orders 3, 7 and Auc-Stat-StdDev – Statistics module that keeps the last price points for an item and performs a standard deviation on the data list to exclude outliers from the sample space and provide a normalized mean.

Any other stat module that you or others wish to create can be easily added to auctioneer functionality! SearchUI An Auctioneer Utility that prompts you when it sees auctions that fit your criteria for buying and, or, bidding. Uses Searchers that you can customize for various desired deals such as: Resale – Prompts you for deals based on discount from the market value, AH fee, and expected relistings Disenchant – Prompts you for deals based on disenchanting armor and weapons Prospecting – Prompts you for jewelcrafting deals from prospecting ores Vendor – Prompts you for auctions listed below vendor sell price The “RealTimeSearch” will continually reload the first and last page of the AH, within reason, as per your configuration, to find the newest bargains and auctions that are just about to come to an end.

Both great times to find some amazing deals. Piggybacks on your AH scans if allowed to do so BeanCounter An associated addon that tracks your bid, postings, and mail to help you determine your overall and item-specific profitability. Creates journal entries when you bid, buy, post, or retrieve AH mail. Provides a searchable interface that can display all activity or only certain items Allows you to change column width by Left-Click and dragging the column to the size of your liking Enchantrix Enchantrix displays values for disenchanting, milling, and prospecting; plus suggested values for selling enchants.

Enchantrix can also automate disenchanting, milling and prospecting. Enchantrix also includes controls to let you customize the pricing by enchant material fixed prices and weighting. Informant Informant displays additional information about items in their tooltips: buy price; sell price; item level; what quests, classes or professions use the item; the value of the item produced by a recipe; etc. Informant can also tell you what vendors sell a given item.

You’re now in slide show mode. Forgot password? Keep me signed in. Your email? The email you used to create your account. The last part of your Myspace URL. Ex: myspace. Facebook Twitter Email. Full Name? Most people use their real name. Select Gender? This helps us keep people, musicians and brands searchable on Myspace.

Please select Female Male Unspecified. This is your profile URL. Pick one that’s 25 characters or less and includes a letter. You can throw in numbers, dots and dashes, too. Pick one that’s hard-to-crack, only known by you, and at least 6 characters long. Use this to log in to your account, receive notifications and get handy updates from us. Date of Birth? Please enter the account owner’s birth date here.

Zip Code? Please enter your zip code here. We based it off your Facebook details. But you can pick one that’s 25 characters or less and includes a letter. Numbers, dots and dashes are ok, too. Select one Female Male Unspecified. Connect me to Facebook friends and artists on Myspace?

You may already know people on Myspace. If we find matches from your Facebook friends, we’ll connect you to them right away. Tell my friends about Myspace? We based it off your Twitter details. Connect me to people I follow on Twitter? If we find matches from the people you follow on Twitter, we’ll connect you to them right away.

Tell my followers about Myspace?


Bartender 3 – Organize your menu bar icons on Mac – Choose a Mac

Plus, the app works with Notification Center, so you can hide or control that icon too as you’d like. And even when icons are moved down to. and Notification Center menu bar icons that normally can’t be moved. Bartender allows you to hide, rearrange, move items and more. Bartender 3 lets me organize my many menu bar icons. By hiding some of them, I free up space and Even Bartender and Notification Center can be hidden.


– macos – Hide Notification Center button from menu bar in High Sierra – Ask Different


For additional screenshots and information , please visit mayronui. Please keep each of these addons up to date using a program such as WowUp or the CurseForge app. Submitting feature requests, bug reports, or even contributing towards its development over on GitHub: 2. Getting involved by joining our active and growing Discord Community: 3. Becoming a Patron to gain exclusive benefits: 4.

Donating through PayPal: 5. Subscribing to the Mayron YouTube channel if you are interested in learning how to create WoW AddOns or wish to stay updated on future content: 6.

I sometimes stream on Twitch! Feel free to come by someday: Thank you so much for your love and support! You have just downloaded by the author. If you like this AddOn why not consider supporting the author? This author has set up a donation account.

Donations ensure that authors can continue to develop useful tools for everyone. Go to Page Addon Info. Add Favorite. Compatibility: Classic 1.

Please send all questions on our active and growing Discord community for faster and more useful replies:. Simply sharing this UI to your friends and spreading the word is a great help, but you can also support the project further by: 1. The MUI installer will auto close when you are in combat and will not let you open it or install the UI while in combat.

Fixed TimerBars in healing layout the target field should not have been auto-created and present in the healing layout.

Fixed bug where the Layout tool showed the timer bars as disabled despite being enabled “Inventory” should have been named “Bags” on the data text, so I’ve reverted it back to “Bags”. Fixed timer bars flickering when changing layouts. Fixed bug when opening up the layout switch tool where some addons would cause a Lua bug. Updated toc version. Updated SUF default profile settings. Updated all addons in the UI pack.

Season of Mastery support for the classic version! Fixed a bug preventing the user from resetting their currency using the data text bar. Added more missing locale support. Support for Burning Crusade patch 2. Updated Shadowed Unit Frame default settings.

Added fix for “fieldNames” is a nil value Lua error , which broke MUI config menu for many Improved Lua error reporting Fixed modifier key bug which broke the ability for chat frame shortcut buttons from switching when modifier key was down. Fixed broken Aura submenus in config options. Fixed a Layout Tool bug when switching between layouts and changing profile options. Fixed config menu bugs. Reskinned checkboxes and sliders in the config menu.

Fixed professions menu for TBC profession levels. Fixed german locales. Updated button sizes across MUI windows to fit text. Some widgets cannot be hidden like the new mail icon. The missions icon i. Added reputation bar dynamic colors with options to adjust the color values for each “standing” e. Added many missing translations for different languages. Added Chinese and Italian language support. Fixed professions menu bugs. Updated SUF default settings. Fixed a bug that caused some addons external to the MUI pack from showing their tool-tips.

Added blend mode option to cast bars and changed the blend mode by default. Updated the default settings of timer bars slightly. Updated the injected addon settings for Masque to fix confusion caused by the action button checked border color.

Updated bartender and SUF injected default settings. Fixed version number appearances across the UI. Updated ticks for classic spells, such as Drain Life for warlocks previously, there were no ticks on the cast bar for this spell.

Added reaction colors to unit names. Fixed a timer bars bug when showing all buffs and debuffs not just yours and another player casted the same debuff on the target as you but only 1 showed. Added alpha value to allow you to show timerbars of other people’s buffs and debuffs as a different alpha value. The tracking icon on the minimap is gone still accessible by middle clicking the minimap.

The sort bags functionality is fixed. Fixed disable event handler Lua error caused by buff position resetting. Added ability to set the strata of action bar frames. Added Quest count tracker data text module. Fixed reported Lua bugs.

Updated SUF settings. Fixed Minimap settings in MUI config. Fixed several other small bugs reported from github. Patched up many memory leak bugs for rare use-cases. Fixed bugs with the new report feature after multiple user tests. Fixed bug with changing status bar textures that caused an error.

Improved error info on report feature. Fixed the buggy quest colors on the objective tracker shadowlands only and added levels to quest titles. Added ability to change the texture of resource bars in the config menu. Added “Left to right” check box to casting bars to invert their horizontal growth. Added ability to move the side action bar panel horizontally X-Offset. Fixed bug causing migration issues to break the UI for previous users trying to update the UI.

Fixed target castbar interrupt bug causing it to look like it was still casting. Updated zone map reskin, which also allows you to resize it.

Updated module system and MayronObjects core engine stuff Updated translations. Included all the newer Setup code to prevent Lua errors from appearing when installing for some users. Upgraded MayronObjects. Added covenant option to the minimap menu that shows when right-clicking it, as well as all older mission UI panels. Added ability to increase row spacing between bartender bar rows at the bottom of the UI if “Allow MUI to control selected bartender bars” is checked.

You can now select “None” on a bartender bar dropdown in MUI config to only have 1 bar per row for more customize. Each row height is now calculated based on the largest bartender bar to help make it easier to customize the UI.

Added three keybinding options to immediately switch between 1 to 3 bartender bar rows at the bottom of the UI. The tutorials after installing the UI reflect the changes with these new key binding options. Fixed many configuration bugs. Fixed bug with cast bar square icon causing Lua error after 9. Updated addons in the UI pack. Updated MUI addons to shadowlands patch.

Added TipTac back into the UI pack now that it has been updated for 9. Fixed data text currency “Todays Profit” value. Updated a few addons included in the UI pack. Fixed MUI profile manager. Added new dropdowns in the datatext specialization menu to assign a UI Layout to a spec. When changing specs, the layout of the UI will change accordingly. Fixed minor bugs. Fixed ChatFrame clamping issue causing it be misplaced after reloading the UI.

Fixed mail box icon.

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