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Does VMware fusion pro run on Mac M1 chip? – VMware Technology Network VMTN


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There is a preview version that’s the forum you actually posted the question in. The preview version will run ARM guests only. There is NO way to run Intel guests on an M1 machine period, full stop – if you need Intel guests, run an intel machine. Due to microsoft licensing restrictions there is currently no support for running Windows ARM on an M1 machine.

Some folks have gotten it to work see other threads here in the forum for tips. But note that it’s unsupported, and without VMWare tools has significant limitations. I am a web developer but I am very new to running virtual machines, so you might need to explain things to me slowly, with all the jargon defined.

I downloaded the preview version for free to run on my new MacBook Pro, which uses an M1 chip. Are you saying that the preview version should work if and only if I use VMWare tools?

Fusion is not an emulator There are some ways to do it, but they don’t work well and since there is no way to get a license VMware does not make any effort to support Windows on ARM. If Microsoft were to make a suitable license available I’m sure the VMware Fusion guys will support it eventually, but for now there are no VMware Tools available for Windows on ARM, and any methods to install it anyways are unsupported and most likely won’t work well if at all.

It works really well. Essentially yes. It’ll run, but without tools, is really limited. Since it’s neither compliant with the EULA, nor production quality, experimental is probably the best word. Linux works, but getting the right distro and the open-vm-tools installed can be a bit of a challenge. I tried yesterday with the latest Ubuntu 22 daily, and it installed fine, the tools installed fine, but the tools won’t run or launch I don’t get why they don’t archive previous builds, but that’s another rant.

With virtualization, the guest operating system has to use the same architecture as the host computer. Otherwise hardware has to be emulated which is slow and not something VMware Fusion does.

I expect microsoft to open up ARM licenses for Windows at some point. Rumor is that they have an exclusivity deal with Qualcomm that’s about to expire, but if that will change things or if ARM PC components have to be made available on the market for things to change we’ll have to wait and see.

The limitation today isn’t that Windows can’t run on ARM, it’s that there’s no legal way of getting a Windows on ARM license, and thus no reason for VMware to put in the time and effort to support it. I worked many many years with Fusion on Intel Mac and ran into the same issue since last year, when I bought the new 16″ M1 macbook pro. Runs very fast!

There exists, of course, a Windows ARM version downloadable. You need to register for free for the “Insider Preview Program” to be able to download it. Nowadays it is Windows 11 only.

It is very sad, that VMWare still is not able to present a solution. And the latest preview is from September But I needed to run MS Visio on my mac and needed a solution. And I found one! I don’t want to advertise other vendors, so I will not type down the vendor here but let me say, as people need to run Windows programs on M1 as well: It is possible to run Windows 11 Pro on M1 and works quite well and also MS Visio I think it is compiled for x86, 32 bit runs without any problems.

Blame microsoft, not VMWare. And if that other vendor is willing to violate microsoft’s EULA to develop the tools, and entice users to do the same that’s at their risk. The other vendor doesn’t care and they’ve said so if you read their statements carefully if you’re violating another vendor’s licensing and support policies. They’ll gladly take your money for their product that knowingly lets you do it, and push the responsibility on you to comply.

Which in the case of Windows for ARM, you can’t. I’m not knocking the vendor for their product. I knock them for their cavalier attitude on another company’s intellectual property. Latest Posts. Fusion 22H2 Tech Preview Discussions. Re: Errors installing Windows 11 bit on M1. Category Activity. Latest activity Solved Kudoed Post a Question. Errors installing Windows 11 bit on M1. Configuration lost on VM reboot. MBP M1 fails to load Ubuntu black screen loop?

Ubuntu Bootcamp Install. VMware fusion running Windows 10 crashes after mac sleeps. My Windows Experience So Far. Trouble installing the Tech Preview.


Ubuntu – Wikipedia.Fusion Tech Preview 22H2 – VMware Technology Network VMTN

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