Ask a question. Quick access. Search related windoqs. Remove From My Forums. Download comctl32 ocx windows 10 64 bit by:. Archived Forums. Ask your questions here! Sign in to vote. It compiles OK after many troubles using visual studio under vista business 64 bits Downloas. When trying to run it either from IDE or double clicking the. It appears to be an error in loading process.
We used Dependency Walker on the ex and found that the comctl I guess we don’t have the 64 bit version of comctl Having done quite domctl32 bit search online and installed the hotfix “Windows6.
The installed comctl Has anyone had the similar problem with comctl And how do we get the bit version of it? Any suggestions and assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thursday, June 26, PM.
Thanks a lot for the quick reply. It works after I made the download comctl32 ocx windows 10 64 bit according to your suggestion. Thank you again. Friday, Dowhload 27, PM. Tuesday, July 13, PM.
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