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This lesson is exclusive to members. Daniel Walter Scott. Check out the How to earn your certificate video for instructions on how to earn yours and click the available certificate levels below for more information. Hey there, in this video we’re going to look at something called a Gradient Mesh. What that allows us to do is do Gradients that don’t kind of follow the straight line, like a Linear Gradient, or a round Radial Gradient.

We’re going to do things like this, where it kind of loops around, then there’s different consistencies, and things going on. Even this kind of weird blurry thing at the top here. Plus we’re going to add this Film Grain. It has nothing to do with anything other than I tried to make it look a little nicer by adding Film Grain. All right, let’s go do that now in Adobe Illustrator. First up, open up ‘Gradient Mesh.

ai’ from your ‘Exercise Files’. We’re going to look at the easy ways and the hard ways. I’m going to grab my ‘Rectangle Tool’, just draw a rectangle out here. Dealing with simple shapes like this, ellipses and rectangles is super easy. Gradient Mesh is awesome. What we’re going to do is, there’s two ways of adding a Mesh. You can go to ‘Object’, and go down to ‘Create Gradient Mesh’. Decide how many rows and columns. I guess the more rows and columns you have the better control you have, but the harder it is to make it look, maybe smooth.

So more detail, but lesser smooth. Let’s go with that, and we’ve got our Gradient Mesh. The other way to do it is, I’m going to grab the ‘Rectangle Tool’, draw something, something similar. There’s a way of doing using the tool, over here there’s a specific Gradient Mesh Tool. This way you can just click in specific parts, it’s up to you what you want to do.

Once you’ve got your Gradient Mesh though, the technique is the same. You want to work with your White Arrow, and let’s say we’re going to select all these guys around the outside, so I’m selecting these guys, I’m going to hold ‘Shift’, and grab the ones at the bottom as well.

So I’ve just got all these top Anchor Points selected and the bottom ones. I’m going to open up ‘Properties’, go to ‘Fill’ and I’m going to go to ‘Swatches’, and if you’re using my files, I’ve got some pre-made ones for us.

I’m going to click on you guys. You can see what it does, it kind of adds our Gradients. Now, nothing very exciting yet has happened, right? because you’re like, “I could have done that with just a regular Gradient. Still, you could have done this. Where it gets different is, if I click on one of these guys, maybe that one, maybe that one, I’m going to go into here, and say, I want you to be pink.

That’s where it gets a bit different, right? You can actually map out Gradients. In my case, we’ll make them look terrible.

Let’s have a look at what else you can do, you can move these guys. See this guy here, I can move him maybe down to this corner. You can see, this is really kind of interesting Air Brush Style effects. You can move him around. All these guys have handles, you can see, I can adjust this guy. He doesn’t have a color, just give him a color. I’ll give him black. You can start kind of bending these things around and start the sorting.

Now that’s not a very good example, because I’m just randomly doing a shape but it gives you kind of a look at how easy it is when the shape is simple. Let’s look at doing something with our whale.

Now the same thing, right? What I’m going to do is, I’m going to duplicate. You’re going to go up there, exciting as you are. Holding down the ‘Alt’ key on a PC, ‘Option’ key on a Mac, I’m going to have another option here. I’m going to zoom in. Now, if I select the body of this whale, try to do a Gradient Mesh, it’s painful. Just happens when you do really complex shapes like this.

I say that, just because, like, it’s just honest. I try and use the Gradient Tool, I kind of click there. It’s kind of following it, right? It’s kind of put in this line, and went around the eye, which is not really what I wanted, but it’s okay. It’s kind of done some stuff around here. Up here, it’s gone really weird.

Just what happens with a complex shape. I can say I want to have a couple of points following along here because this is kind of what I want to do. I want to make kind of a Gradient that follows this line. The problem with that though is all that kind of complexity. I’ll hold ‘Shift’ and grab you.

Every time you do one of that crossover it creates another joining path, and gets a little confusing about where you are actually going. I’m holding ‘Shift’ with my Direct Selection Tool. Now I’m going to, say that color there, it’s kind of working. The more you add, the harder it becomes. So what I tend to do– you can mess around with that, it’s fine. Use a Gradient Tool.

What I tend to do is, I’m going to duplicate this first Artboard. So ‘Shift O’ on my keyboard. Holding down the ‘Alt’ key on a PC, ‘Option’ key on a Mac to make a duplicate.

What I want to do is, instead of trying to turn this into a Mesh, I’m just going to use a simple shape. I’ll use Ellipse, just because. It has, I guess, quite an elliptical shape. Use that, or a rectangle something super simple that matches what you’re doing. Make sure it covers the whole thing. Actually what I’ll do – I’ll delete that.

This is going to be my whale. I’m going to have another layer that I want just underneath it. And you are going to be my Gradient. A little trick is, let’s actually grab my Ellipse Tool on a Gradient layer, I’m going to draw that big guy. So he’s just underneath. Now what I’d like to do is be able to see through this whale. I could go to my Outline Mode, which is ‘Command Y’ on a Mac, or ‘Control Y’ on a PC.

Actually what I want to do is, there’s a little trick with the whale. I’m going to lock him so he doesn’t move, but also, if I hold ‘Command’, and click him, just turns into Outlines. You can turn it off by ‘Command’ clicking as well. So I’m working on a Gradient layer and I can kind of see the outlines of these. Why do I do this? It’s because when I start using the Gradient Tool – just grab him here. When I say Gradient Tool, I mean Gradient Mesh Tool.

Let’s say I’ve got this one and I grab my Direct Selection Tool, and I can start bending this around to kind of fit the forms and the shapes of what I need. And what I might do is, bring him around. My Ellipse is maybe a bit big for what I need, but you’re getting the idea, right?

And if you need more points, I’m going to surely but slowly, remember, the least amount of points becomes a lot easier.



イラストレーターの使い方!初心者のための25の基本スキルマスター方法 | Skillhub[スキルハブ] – Create and apply a linear gradient


This is in place of pressing ctrl y which changes everything to outline view. Well, that doesn’t work. I know I’m doing something incredibly dumb but I’m not sure what it is. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance. The maximum file size is 47 MB. We will start filling color from the bottom. With the help of the Direct Selection Tool and the Shift key select anchor points from the bottom and fill them with 5f0f Now select the anchor points placed just above the bottom line and fill them with 8f Similarly, fill all the anchor points with color shade varying from dark to light.

You can also move the anchor points with the help of the Direct Selection Tool and if you want to add more anchor points or increase the rows and columns then you can use the Mesh Tool. Select the Mesh Tool from the Tool Panel and click on the mesh where you want to add more anchor points. Now select the stem of the cherry and fill it with color f2f98b.

Now create a gradient mesh of 5 rows and 1 column with the help of Create Gradient Mesh. With the help of the Direct Selection Tool and Shift key, select the anchor points placed at the left side and fill them with color 8dc63f. In the above image, you can see that the stem is not blended with the cherry. So make it look more realistic and blended we will add more anchor points at the bottom side of the stem. Select the Mesh Tool from the Tool Panel and click on the bottom side to add more anchor points.

Now fill the top part of the stem with yellow color and brown color by creating a gradient mesh. This is how you can use the Gradient Mesh Tool in Adobe Illustrator and give realistic color effects to your vector drawings. In this adobe illustrator tutorial, you have learned the use of many illustrator tools and at the same time with the help of these illustrator tools, you have learned how to draw a cherry.

Practice this tutorial and write your views in the comment section. I’m getting on with it, I promise. What I’m going to do now is click on, maybe this guy. And maybe, holding ‘Shift’, grab this guy as well, and this guy, so I’ve got three of them selected, I’m going to go to my ‘Properties Panel’.

I’m going to go to ‘Fill’, I’m going to use some of that Gradient. That’s the way to kind of do a Gradient Mesh. Yes, I could have just done that with just a, maybe a Linear Gradient. Let’s go further. Couldn’t have done that with a Radial, or a Linear, maybe you could. So when it gets down to things like this, this guy, let’s force him in here, I’m going to start doing some cool kind of pushing around of these things. So, it’s that kind of really tricky Gradient.

You can see, it’s kind of really sharp over here, it starts getting quite furry over here. Just because the distances between these Anchor Points are quite big. So go through, or what we do now is—. You spend a bit longer doing it than I did. Man, it’s bad. So I’m going to grab this guy. And we’re going to go to our ‘Layers panel’ and hold the ‘Command’ key to turn that back on. And what we want to do, they need to be on the same layer now because we want to turn them into a Clipping Mask.

Do they need to be on the same layer? That’s a good point. As long as the whale is in front I’m pretty sure I might be able to ‘Shift’ click this guy and hit ‘Command 7’; it did work. So ‘Command 7’ is the shortcut for Clipping Mask. If you want it the long way there’s ‘Make a Clipping Mask’, it’s not very long as a button.

If you’re on an older version of Illustrator, ‘Object’, ‘Clipping Mask’, ‘Make’. Either way, that’s what I’m trying to do. It’s easier to do this Gradient Mesh inside a simple circle, but it is to try and do on top of the actual shape.

How good is this? This is pretty bad. My color. Somewhat a good idea, you could have a live interact, watching me. Now one more thing we might do before we go is, often people want to do kind of a Gradient Mesh that looks kind of, like they want to do– they think they need a Gradient Mesh when they don’t. Let me show you another way that I often do things.

I’m going to grab my ‘Pen Tool’ and draw– I’m going to turn the Smart Guides off, ‘Command U’, because what I want to do is create kind of a shape up here.

Kind of does this kind of thing. I got it in my head, let’s make it reality. So you want kind of a jelly button kind of thing. So instead of trying to do that with a Gradient Map it’s easier often just to give it the right color. I’m going to click down here, and I’m going to say I want you to be white.

Then just use a ‘Blur’. So I’m going to go ‘Effect’, go down to ‘Blur’ and use ‘Gaussian Blur’; cheap trick, turn Preview ‘on’. You can kind of see what it’s going to do. Same kind of thing that we maybe would have been able to do down there.

Getting the Blur right. I’ll lower the Opacity a little bit. I wanted this kind of, yes, that kind of effect. I’m going to do one last little shape. What I’ll do is, I’ll duplicate him.

And you my friend, I’m going to trim off with a circle to get kind of a better layer thing going. I select ‘Outline Mode’ just so I can grab you, select both of them. And I’m going to go, not to Outline mode because it’s kind of confusing. I’m going to use my Shape Builder Tool, ‘Shift M’. I’m going to delete these bits, I just wanted this kind of chunk. Now we will click on the center anchor point to activate it and deactivate all of the other surrounding points.

Once again you will notice that the center anchor point in Fig. As was stated in the preceding paragraph, you can control the illusion of shape by dragging or adding anchor points to the mesh grid. This will change the location and intensity of the gradation thereby affecting the shape. Remember to control the mesh anchor points in the same way that you would control the anchor points along a Path or Stoke. All of the anchor points have been selected and the “Fill” color on the Tool palette will show a “Question Mark” to indicate that there are multiple colors at work in the selection.

This is a very basic lesson in the use of the Illustrator Gradient Mesh tool and its ability to create smooth gradations and blends. Using the techniques discussed in this tutorial there is no limit to the complexity of the subject matter you can render with these tools. Fro an example of just how far you can take Adobe Illustrator’s Gradient Tools , check out the article on Yukio Miyamoto’s work in Illustrator samples below. Perhaps the single greatest limitation on how far you can go with this tool is the file size, and its ability to drastically slow down screen redraws.

This is especially annoying when dragging the file with the Hand Tool while zoomed in to the image. If this is the case, you will want to set the “View” mode to “Outline” which will turn off the tonal color work, thereby speeding up screen redraws. Note: The following hardware and software was used in this tutorial: Apple Mac Pro, a Wacom Intuos 6×8 drawing tablet and Adobe Illustrator CS-CS5 vector drawing software.

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