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Whenever you want a query to ask for input each time you run the query, you create what’s called a parameter query in Access Don’t worry if that doesn’t make a bit of sense right now. We’ll teach you exactly what a parameter query is and how you can create them.

As you already know, you use criteria to narrow down the results you receive in a query. Criteria eliminates the expression “looking for a needle in a haystack. But let’s say when running a query, you want to know using our book collection database as an example how many books you’ve recently added to your collection because you share this information with friends who might want to read them.

So, you want the query to show all the new books that you’ve added SINCE you last ran the query and sent out the list to your friends. To do this, you add criteria to a DateAdded field. This shows the date you purchased the book. The criteria tells Access that you want all books added after a certain date the date you last ran the query.

However, wouldn’t it be a lot easier if Access prompted you to enter a date? The good news is that you can do this using a parameter query. The first thing you do is select the query for which you want to add a parameter to. You can see the one we’ve selected below. It contains the title of the book and the date it was purchased. This was the query we ran to see purchased books. You will need to add a Date Purchased field to the Books table, and enter some data.

Now, switch the Design view. We can now add our criteria in brackets. The brackets indicate that Access should look for a field, or ask the user for a field if there is none. We enter that in the Date Purchased field. You can resize the columns by clicking and dragging on the edge of the column to make it wider, to see the full values. Now, go back to Datasheet view to run the query. Access now prompts you for values for your parameter in a dialogue box, as shown below:.

Enter the Start Date for the query. Click OK. Enter an End Date. Access now shows us the results of our query:. When you enter parameters for your query, the prompts appear the way they do in Design view, from left to right. You’d see the prompt from the first parameter that you entered, etc. But what if you want to change the order in which they appear? To do this, go to the Design view of your query, then click the Design tab.

This form will appear. You can enter the names of the parameters, and the data types, in the order that you want them to appear. If you want to add variability into your parameter query, you can use wildcards. An example is if you want a query to match a text string in any part of a field. You can do this using Like with wildcard characters.

To do this, open a query, then go to Design view. Go to the field where you want to apply a parameter. You will type:. So, if you wanted to search for titles in the query, you would enter:. When you switch back to Datasheet view to run the query, Access prompts you, but without the brackets, the word Like, or the wildcard characters. Access will now match values that contain the parameter string. Enter a value, then click OK. Any records that contain this sequence of characters within the Title field will be displayed.

When you define a relationship in Access, you relate data from one table to another. By doing this, you are linking your tables together so you can perform queries and extract specific data from multiple tables all at once.

Access gives you three types of table relationships to use. Let’s learn about these relationship types. Sometimes in Access, you’ll need to view information from two or more tables from different database tables. For this, you will need to create what’s called a join.

A join does as the name implies. It temporarily joins two tables together. Whenever you run a query to find data in tables that are related, Access will look for records on both sides of the relationship that have matching values.

By learning what type of query join to use, you can determine what records will be displayed as the results.

When you do this, you can find the exact data that you need without sorting through data that you won’t. Let’s delve a little deeper so that this makes sense to you. In this section, we’re going to talk about the two types of joins:. An inner join is defined as a join that only selects records from tables that have matching values. You can select one or more fields to serve as the join fields.

This is the default join type in Access. You don’t even need to do anything most of the time to create an inner join if relationships are already established. Access creates an inner join between related tables when you add them. When you create primary keys and foreign keys, have the same field in more than one table, Access creates that relationship for you and creates the inner join. You can create an inner join by dragging a field from one table to another in query design view.

There will be a line displayed to show that a join has been created. An outer join informs a query that the query needs to include all rows from one table, then rows from the other table too that share a value on both sides of the join. That said, outer joins can be left or right outer joins. Left outer joins include all rows from the first table, then rows from the other table that contains values that are the same in both tables.

A right join is vice versa with all rows from the second table included and only those rows with matching values included from the first table.

You can click any join to see the Join Properties dialog box to see if it was a right or left join. To create an inner or outer join, first create a relationship. Double-click on the line that illustrates the relationship in Design View. You can see the line below. The following dialogue box will appear:. Now click Join Type. Now that we have a join set up with two tables, we can create a query on these two tables. This is often done to get data from more than one table and display it in one place.

In this example, we are going to show details of the Books and Orders table in the one query. Create a new Simple Query using the Query Wizard. In the drop-down box that appears on the field selection screen, select “Table: Books”.

Now, select the “Table: Orders” from the drop-down menu. Click Next, and Next again. Name your query and click Finish. The query will now show the results from both tables. If you go to Design view, you can see the fields listed, as well as the two tables and the relationship between them that was created. Expressions in Access are used to do mathematical calculations, combine or extract text, or validate the data in your database. Expressions use all or some of the following elements: functions, identifiers, operators, and constants.

The plus and minus sign are operators, for example. However, before we move forward, let’s talk briefly about the definitions of functions, identifiers, and constants before continuing. It’s important that you understand what everything is before you begin to use it. Below is an example of an expression:.

In this expression, Sum is the function, [Retail Price] is the identifier, the asterisk is the operator, and. When you use expressions in Access , you can use them to do any of the following:. A calculated field is defined as a column that contains an expression. Whenever you enter a record into the table, Access will use the expression to calculate what data will appear in that field. To create a calculated field, open a table in your database. We’ve opened Books, as you can see in the snapshot below.

Let’s add a new field.



How to Create and Use Parameter Queries in Microsoft Access | UniversalClass.Microsoft AccessのビジネスソフトのダウンロードとVBAのTipsを掲載 : Access-Access!のSitemap

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