I would like to know if I want backup DVD жмите the same, then where on internet should I go and what is the procedure for requesting it? I want a DVD so that in future also I will be able to install the same without long installation from internet i have slow internet connection. Was this reply helpful? Microsoft office professional plus 2013 backup dvd 自由 No.
Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Thanks for the reply but the downloaded setup. exe is not complete setup. It connects to internet and invokes setup by streaming. exe as offline installer.
what can i do for that or send the full setup. exe file’s download link pls. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community apple final cut pro x10.4無料. Sameer Navare.
Recently I have purchased MS Office under Microsoft’s HUP program. I have downloaded setup. exe and on executing it, it installed MS Office successfully. Please let me know. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question 8. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Replies 7 . How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Just burn the downloaded setup. exe to a DVD or copy it to a memory stick. In reply to Sanwin2’s post on July 24, Hi Sanwin2 Thanks for the reply but the downloaded setup. I want complete installation which I purchased in MS Home User Program HUP. In reply to Sameer Navare’s post on July 24, The answer to your Q was given in the first reply, have you not read it?
Regards Two people have told me that their microsoft office professional plus 2013 backup dvd 自由 DVDs do exactly the same thing.
Brian Tillman [Outlook MVP ] Volunteer Moderator. When you purchase Office through the HUP, there’s an option right on the screen to request a backup DVD. Did you not avail yourself of that option? Perhaps if you return to the HUP web site link you were sent it will provide the opportunity. In reply to Brian Tillman [Outlook MVP exe as offline installer what can i do for that or send the full setup.
This site in other languages x.
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