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Early East Slavs settled the forested hills of today’s Minsk by the 9th century. They had been migrating from further south and pushing the preceding Balts northwards. The valley of Svislach river was settlement boundary between two Early East Slavs’ tribal unions — Krivichs and Dregovichs. By the area was incorporated into the early medieval Principality of Polatsk , one of the earliest East Slav states along with the principalities of Kiev and Novgorod.

There is no exact historical record for the date when Minsk was founded. It was first mentioned as Mensk in the Primary Chronicle in That year the chronicle recorded a bloody battle between troops of Polatsk and Kiev princes on the banks of Niamiha river tributary of Svislach. Minsk, which was a Principality of Polatsk town, was burnt down by the Kievan army during a war between Kiev and Polatsk. Some historians believe, that Minsk evolved from an earlier village, which may have been founded as early as the 9th or 10th centuries.

Recent archeological excavations support this idea. There is a theory, that initially Minsk was located 16 km to the southwest, on the banks of Menka river.

According to this view, Kievan troops first seized the town and then marched to the mouth of Niamiha, location of a small fort, where the chronicle battle occurred.

Later the fort was rebuilt and renamed Mensk. After the town was rebuilt after the battle, it was located — to the south of Niamiha and Svislach confluence. It was centred on a wooden fort, surrounded by a flooded ditch and by an earth mound.

It included a church and several living quarters. In the later years Minsk grew southwards on the right bank of Svislach. Outside the town walls craftsmen and traders were building wooden houses along narrow streets with wooden flooring. In the early 12th century Principality of Polatsk disintegrated into smaller fiefs. Principality of Minsk was established by one of the Polatsk dynasty princes. First Prince of Minsk was Hleb Usiaslavavich died in , who expanded the town and built its first stone church reconstructed basement of the Church of Virgin Mary is now unearthed and can be found near Svislach embankment.

During Prince Hleb’s reign Minsk was twice besieged in and in by troops of Kiev and other principalities, but withstand the invaders. In Principality of Minsk was annexed by Kiev, the dominant city of Kievan Rus’ , however in the Polatsk dynasty regained control of the principality. By Minsk has rivaled Polatsk as the major city in the former Principality of Polatsk. Princes of Minsk and Polatsk were engaged in years of struggle trying to unite all lands previously under the rule of Polatsk.

Minsk escaped the Mongol invasion of Rus in — However, in later years it was attacked by nomadic invaders from the Golden Horde , who turned many principalities of disintegrated Kievan Rus’ into their vassal states. Trying to avoid the Tatar yoke , the Principality of Minsk sought protection from Lithuanian princes to the west, who had been consolidating their power in the region.

In Minsk became a part of the expanding Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was annexed peacefully and local elites enjoyed high ranking in the society of the Grand Duchy. During the reign of his son Aleksander Jagiellon Minsk received its town privileges Magdeburg law in The city was governed by a magistrate headed by an appointed governor, usually an influential local landlord.

By Minsk was among 15 largest cities of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with about the population of 5, It was an important and wealthy trading city profiting from its favourable location.

It was on the ancient trading roads connecting Smolensk and Moscow in the east to Poland and Central Europe in the west, and linking Novgorod and Vilnius in the north and northwest respectively with Ukraine. Historical records suggest that Minsk contributed large sums to the treasury of the Grand Duchy. Minsk was often a target for foreign invasions.

In it was raided by Crimean Khanate army, in besieged by the troops of Muscovy , who also raided the vicinity of Minsk in and To restore the wealth of the city, Sigismund II Augustus extended town privileges in , allowing trade fairs, and transferred some agricultural lands around the city to Minsk.

In after the Union of Lublin the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Kingdom of Poland merged into the Polish—Lithuanian Commonwealth , while still maintaining themselves as two separate entities legally, militarily and socially. Since then, a Polish community settled in Minsk — government clerks, officers and craftsmen. By the middle of the 16th century Minsk was an important economic and cultural centre of the Polish—Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The city contained several guilds of craftsmen and was an important trading centre. Minsk merchants exported wood, tar, wax, blacksmith’s work, glass, skins and furs. They brought in salt, wine, spices, fabrics and metals. Minsk had a thriving merchant port on Svislach river, which connected the city with Kiev and Smolensk. Minsk was an important centre for Eastern Orthodox Church and boasted seven Orthodox religious brotherhoods.

They were wealthier under the Polish rule and received funding for building new monasteries and churches. In the 16th century Minsk was an important cultural centre with schools and printing works.

It was also in this time that Jews began the settle in the city. By the early 17th century Minsk had some stone houses in Verkhni Horad Uppert Town and was surrounded by new earth mound with stone fortifications. There were two suburbs outside the city walls — Traetskae suburb on the left bank of the Svislach and Rakauskaye suburb to the west of the city, on the trading route to Vilnius and Warsaw.

In Minsk was conquered by troops of Tsar Alexei of Russia. By the end of the Deluge , Minsk had only about 2, residents and just houses. Other cities and towns of Lithuania were also heavily devastated by the war. Minsk paid large retributions to both foreign armies. The last decades of the Polish-Lithuanian rule were indicated by decline or very slow development. Minsk was a small provincial town of little economic or military significance.

By it had population of 6,—7, and was slowly rebuilding to the city limits of In the city magistrate was also complemented with an elected city council. Most of Minsk residents were Jews and Poles , while Belarusians were a minority. There was also a small minority of Belarusian-speaking Tartars living in Tatarskaya Slabada to the northwest of the then city limits. Minsk was annexed by Russia in as a consequence of the Second Partition of Poland. In it became centre of the Minsk Governorate province.

All Polish street names were changed to Russian ones, however spelling of the city’s name remained unchanged. In a municipal garden was established by the Minsk governor for the enjoyment of local residents.

By Minsk had about 11, residents. Its development was interrupted by Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in During the French occupation there was a struggle between the Polish and Belarusian elites for the control of the city. Poles strove for a revival of the Kingdom of Poland while Belarusians hoped for their national homeland. By the end of the French occupation Minsk had only 3, residents and large parts of the city were completely destroyed during the fighting between the French and the Russian armies.

After , the use of Belarusian and Polish languages has been banned, and Russian was the only official language. In Minsk was officially included into the Pale of Settlement , which later led to a rise in Jewish population.

Throughout the 19th century the city grew and significantly improved. In the s major streets and squares of Minsk were cobbled and paved. A first public library was opened in , a fire brigade was put into operation in In first local newspaper, Minskie gubernskie vedomosti “Minsk province news” went into circulation. First theatre was established in By Minsk had a dozen of schools and two colleges. By Minsk was an important trading city with population of 27, There was a construction boom which led to building 2- and 3-storey brick and stone houses in Upper Town.

Minsk was one of the Belarusian cities, which supported the January Uprising in Poland, Lithuania and in Belarus in — It was under Russian martial law from to The suppression of the uprising led to increased repressions against use of the Polish and Belarusian languages, particularly in education and newspapers.

Development of the city was boosted by improvements in transportation. In Moscow- Warsaw road was laid though Minsk. Thus Minsk became an important rail junction and a manufacturing hub. Municipal water supply was introduced in , telephone — in , horse tram — in , and first power generator — in By Minsk had 58 factories employing 3, workers.

The city had theatres, cinemas, newspapers, schools and colleges, as well as numerous monasteries, churches, synagogues and a mosque. According to the Russian census the city had 91, inhabitants, the majority of them Jews.

Other large groups were Poles and Russians. In the early years of the 20th century, Minsk was a major centre for the worker’s movement within Belarus. It was also one of the major centres of Belarusian national revival, along with Vilnius. World War I affected the development of Minsk tremendously, by Minsk was on the front lines.

Some factories were closed down and residents began evacuating to the east. Minsk became the headquarters of the Western Front of the Russian army , while also housing military hospitals and military supply bases.

The Russian Revolution had an immediate effect in Minsk. A Worker’s Soviet was established in Minsk in October and it drew its support from disaffected soldiers and workers.



ベンチマークシリーズmicrosoft word2016年度1回無料.

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