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Helpful extension: Template Changer tdf Experimental design themes: tdf , tdf サポート済み “document themes”. 拡張機能: TexMaths. Ability to type math using the LaTeX syntax Not supported in macOS version. いいえ tdf , but effects are preserved on import and export. Glow effect and soft edges supported. 部分的 Option to show track changes additions or deletions in margin Tools – Options – LibreOffice Writer – View – Enable Tracked deletions in margin.

Implementation misses some features, see: tdf tdf Available as experimental feature [56]. はい [57]. Option to track one’s own changes without forcing others to track theirs [58]. not supported in MS Office sales versions. Extension Read Text. Yes [59]. Better recovery mode [60] , [61]. More frequently denies opening those files.

サポート済み Javaを要求. eBookフォーマットのインポート FictionBook 2. Import of legacy Mac OS word processing documents: MS Word for Mac はい [62]. How to switch on the feature. See also tdf Links between anchors and footnotes or endnotes even if not on the same page are available in both direction. はい [63] , [64] PDF [65]. 部分的 [66] , [67]. Additional toolbar control to insert Emojis experimental: tdf Multi-line headings for chapters by allowing a line break as separator between a chapter number and its name in Chapter Numbering dialog.

Only via work-around [68]. 基本的な内部サポート。 Excellent free extensions: e. Zotero , Bibus , JabRef as well as proprietary extensions. 内部サポート。 Excellent free extensions: e. Zotero as well as proprietary extensions. 部分的 tdf See List of Regular Expressions. Different numerically equivalent format not supported tdf 初期設定のショートカットは少ない [69]. 多くの初期設定のショートカット [70]. 部分的 文字と画像の透かし. Some formatting features are supported, e. font type, font size, bold, italics, underline, text alignment align, centered, justified.

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ID, PHONETIC , YEN , FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, RANDARRAY tdf , LET , XLOOKUP tdf , XMATCH tdf いいえ [77]. はい [78]. OpenFormula standard. Copy of cells is kept for pasting, even if the user does other tasks like typing or inserting cells. いいえ [79]. Support for Numbers v [80] , see also this comparison. Jumbo spreadsheets up to 16, columns are highly experimental, see: tdf tdf tdf tdf , tdf , tdf 限定的なサポート [81]. 挿入された画像はリサイズやトリミングはできない、使い勝手の課題あり。 tdf Built-in Data Statistics Wizard with additional features: Chi2-test, Logarithmic regression, Power regression.

Add-on, not activated by default. Additional features: Histogram, Random number generation, Rank and percentiles, and some more detailed options. いいえ tdf , tdf , tdf Selection of some pre-set chart styles and layouts. いいえ tdf regarding DAX functions. いいえ tdf , tdf , tdf , tdf , tdf いいえ work around: using function VLOOKUP. はい [82]. Queries and data sources via “Power Query” and “Power BI” [83]. REQUEST removed in favor of Power Query since MS Excel Data types from online sources: geography, stocks, organization, location, zip code, university, space, satellite, element, chemistry, food, exercise, movie, characters, medical, body, media, nature, activities, other Not available in MS Office sales versions [84] , [85].

Extended set of forecast functions based on exponential smoothing algorithm. Forecast functions and forecast charts based on exponential smoothing algorithm not supported in macOS version.

Via ODB file connected to database needs MS Access installed on the system. Parallel formula compiling on the CPU. マルチスレッディングは進行中です: tdf , [88] , Presentation “Making Calc Calculate in Parallel”. LET function. はい Flow charts and organizational charts supported in rental version, not supported in MS Office sales versions. Yes [91]. Supported [92] , [93]. はい List of Regular Expressions. Independent window. Cannot be moved outside the application window. はい tdf いいえ [94].

古い Mac OS の旧版の表計算シートフォーマットのインポート: BeagleWorks, ClarisWorks, Claris Resolve, GreatWorks, MacWorks, Wingz, Microsoft Multiplan v1. サポート済み Javaが必要. いいえ Only available: Inverting colors for negative values. はい not available on Windows, see tdf より多くの詳細: Number formats: more flexible use of “Format Code” for custom adjustments, leading zeroes, language setting, percentages without percentage sign, thousands separator for percentages; Font: overligning of text, relief embossed, engraved , outline, shadow, underline of individual words, spacing settings, kerning; Borders: shadow, spacing to contents; Protection: hide cells when printing.

Easy work around for missing US zip code and US phone number formats. 部分的 カスタム書式を使用しての技術表記。. 部分的 回避策を使用. No reverse icon order tdf Customization of icon sets, e. reverse icon order. 部分的 Styles supported, Cell Format not supported. 部分的 tdf , tdf , tdf 初期設定のキーボードやマウスのショートカット [95]. 初期設定のショートカットは少ない [96] , tdf , tdf , tdf 初期設定のショートカットは多い [97] , [98] , [99].

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