Marmara Group of Companies consists of high-quality and innovative companies that have made an impact in the sectors it has carrying out its activities through its profession, experience and investments since its establishment in 1984.
After the establishment of Marmara Cotton Fabric incorporated within the Marmara Group of Companies and which has the highest yarn dyeing capacity in Turkey and Marmara Power Plant has been carrying out its activities since 2005; Marmara Group of Companies decided to invest in cleaning papers sector in 2004 in order to produce cleaning papers in world standards, to increase the use of hygienic and healthy cleaning paper materials and to meet the needs of the developing market in Turkey and was established Lila Tissue in 2005 in Çorlu.
Lila Tissue which became operational in 2007 with the paper and converting (converting roll paper into a consumption group product) facility established in an area of 100.000m2 in total has reached a capacity of 150.000 ton in paper manufacturing by means of its new investment completed in January 2012 and has became the biggest paper manufacturing facility under a single campus in Turkey and also in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Caucasus and African regions.
Lila Tissue is aiming to be the leader in the cleaning paper market in Turkey with its innovative, high-quality and assertive products that it manufactures through the latest technologies. Accordingly, while Lila Tissue meets the expectations of consumers in the best way through its range of products including toilet paper, paper towel, paper napkin and paper tissue gathered under Sofia, Maylo and Berrak brands, it is working to satisfy the needs of customers through high-quality, reliable and affordable products in away from home market with Nua Professional brand.
Lila Tissue makes sales of all kinds of roll paper all over the world within the logistics possibilities. Lila Tissue which is the leader in roll paper and semi-product sales reaches to 55 countries throughout the world.
منتجات الشركة:
ورق التواليت
محارم الطعام
بكرات ورق الحمام
مناديل ورق معلبة
السابق1 من 5التالي
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