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Open Snipping Tool and take a screenshot


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Additionally, if you want more information about snipping tools and how to use them, check out our article How to Use a Snipping Tool. Full-screen snip.


Snip tool for windows 10. Open Snipping Tool and take a screenshot


Take a snapshot to copy words or images from all or part of your PC screen. Use Snipping Tool to make changes or notes, then save, and share. When you capture a snip, it’s automatically copied to the Snipping Tool window where you make changes, save, and share. Select the Start , enter snipping tool , then select Snipping Tool from the results. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, select Search , enter snipping tool in the search box, and then select Snipping Tool from the list of results.

Select Start , then enter snipping tool in the search box, and then select Snipping Tool from the list of results. With your Snipping Tool open, select one of the following to create and work with your screenshots.

In Snipping Tool, select Mode. In earlier versions of Windows, select the arrow next to the New button. Then, choosing from anything currently displayed on the screen, select the area of your screen that you want to capture. After you open Snipping Tool, open the menu that you want to capture. For Windows 7, press the Esc key before opening the menu. The entire screen changes to gray including the open menu.

Select Mode , or in earlier versions of Windows, select the arrow next to the New button. Select the kind of snip you want, and then select the area of the screen capture that you want to capture.

After you capture a snip, you can write or draw on or around it by selecting the Pen or Highlighter buttons. Select Eraser to remove the lines you’ve drawn. In the Save As box, type a file name, location, and type, and then select Save. To prevent the URL from appearing:. After you capture a snip, select the arrow next to the Send Snip button, and then select an option from the list.

Select Print from the options and make choices for how you want to print your image. In the search box on the taskbar, type snipping tool. Select Pin to taskbar. First, identify the menu or other components you want to capture. In Snipping Tool, select Delay and then select, for example, 5 seconds. Select Mode to start the 5-second countdown. Within 5 seconds, open a menu or otherwise compose your image.

At 5 seconds, when you see the screen turn gray, use the mouse to draw around the area you want. Windows 10 Windows 8. After you capture a snip, select the Save Snip button.

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Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn’t match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information.

Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback! Free-form snip. Rectangular snip. Window snip. Full-screen snip.


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