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アートまたは写真を配置する Photoshop ドキュメントを開きます。. 基準点はデフォルトで非表示になっています。基準点( )を表示するには、オプションバーの基準点の位置( )の横にあるチェックボックスをクリックしてオンにします。.
ドルビーデジタルプラスwindows10をダウンロード無料 を配置ダイアログボックスの「選択」セクションで、PDF ドキュメントのどの要素を読み込むかに応じて、「ページ」または「画像」オプションを選択します。PDF ファイルに複数のページまたは画像が含まれる場合は、配置するページまたはファイルのサムネールをクリックします。. インプレスで電子版を買う (カートに入ります). PDF ファイルのクリップ領域(切り抜きマージン)を切り抜きます。. フェイスガード フェイスガード フルフェイスタイプ フェイスガード マスク装着タイプ フェイスガード スポンジ付フルフェイスタイプ. 変形をキャンセルするには、Esc キーを押すか、オプションバーの変形をキャンセルボタン をクリックします。.

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Adobe Creative Cloud プラン比較表. LightroomとPhotoshopが Behanceのポートフォリオを自由にカスタマイズし、独自のURLを設定することで完全にパーソナルな Photoshop で PDF ファイルを開くと、文字や画像を含んだページ PDF ファイルの閲覧は、Adobe 公式サイトで配布されている「 Acrobat Reader Photoshop CC の 年 10 月リリース()で更新 オプション)画像をワープする場合は、オプションバーの自由変形モードとワープモードの


Photoshop でのオブジェクトの変形


Photoshop で PDF を開く PDF ファイルを Photoshop で開く用途としては、PDF ファイルを ラスタライズ して、Web 用画像として使用する場合や、 ページに含まれている画像を取り出す場合 などです。 ラスタライズ:ベクターデータをビットマップ化すること. Photoshop で PDF ファイルを開くと、[ PDF の読み込み ] ダイアログが表示されます。[ PDF の読み込み ] ダイアログには、[ ページ ] として開く、[ 画像 ] コンテンツとして開く選択があり、ラスタライズ後のファイルサイズを設定する項目があります。. 編集/自由変形を選択します。 選択範囲、ピクセルベースのレイヤーまたは選択範囲の境界線を変形する場合は、移動ツール を選択します。次に、オプションバーの「バウンディングボックスを表示」を選択します。 ベクトルシェイプまたはパスを変形する場合は、パスコンポーネント選択ツール を選択します。次に、オプションバーの「バウンディングボックスを表示」を選択します。.

新しいツールを選択します。 レイヤーパネルで目的のレイヤーをクリックします(このアクションにより、変更が自動確定され、さらにレイヤーが選択されます)。 ドキュメントウィンドウ内のカンバス領域の外側をクリックします。 カンバス領域内のバウンディングボックスの外側をクリックします。 確定するには、Enter キーか Return キーを押します。またはオプションバーの確定ボタン をクリックするか、選択範囲の内部をダブルクリックします。 変形をキャンセルするには、Esc キーを押すか、オプションバーの変形をキャンセルボタン をクリックします。.

その他の関連ヘルプ オブジェクトの変形. クイックリンク すべてのプランを表示 プランを管理. 封筒印刷 角形封筒 長形封筒 洋形封筒. ポスター印刷 屋内用ポスター. カレンダー印刷 中綴じカレンダー. 変形を適用するには、変形するアイテムを選択した後、変形コマンドを選択します。必要に応じて、変形の操作をする前に基準点を調整します。複数の操作を連続して実行した後、累積的な変形を適用することができます。例えば、「拡大・縮小」コマンドを選択し、ハンドルをドラッグしてサイズを変更してから、「多方向に伸縮」コマンドを選択して、ハンドルをドラッグして変形します。次に、Enter キーまたは Return キーを押して両方の変形を適用します。.

Photoshop では、環境設定ダイアログボックスの「一般」で選択した画像補間方式を使用して、変形中に追加または削除されたピクセルのカラー値を計算します。画像補間方式の設定は、変形の速度および画質に直接影響します。初期設定の「バイキュービック法(滑らかなグラデーションに最適)」は、速度は最も遅いですが、最適な結果を得ることができます。.

元の画像 B. 反転されたレイヤー C. 回転された選択範囲 D. どの変形も、 基準点 と呼ばれる固定ポイントを基準として実行されます。初期設定では、このポイントは変形対象オブジェクトの中心です。ただし、オプションバーの基準点の位置を使用して、基準点を変更したり、中心点を別の場所に移動したりすることもできます。. PDF または Illustrator(AI)ファイルを配置する場合は、PDF を配置ダイアログボックスが表示されます。配置するページまたは画像を選択し、トリミングのオプションを設定して「OK」をクリックします。PDF を配置ダイアログボックスのオプションについて詳しくは、 Photoshop での PDF または Illustrator ファイルの配置 を参照してください。.

配置したアートの位置を変更するには、アートワークのバウンディングボックス内にポインターを置き、ドラッグするか、オプションバーで「X」の値を入力して、アートワークの中心点と画像の左端との間隔を指定します。「Y」に値を入力して、アートワークの中心点と画像の上端との間隔を指定します。 配置したアートを拡大縮小するには、バウンディングボックスのコーナーハンドルの 1 つをドラッグするか、オプションバーの「W」と「H」に値を入力します。Shift キーを押しながらドラッグすると、縦横比が固定されます。 配置したアートを回転するには、ポインターをバウンディングボックスの外側に置いて(ポインターがカーブした両方向の矢印に変わります)ドラッグするか、オプションバーで、「回転」オプション の値(角度)を入力します。アートワークは、配置中心点の周囲を回転します。中心点を調整するには、ドラッグして移動するか、またはオプションバーで基準点の位置アイコン のハンドルをクリックします。 配置したアートをゆがめるには、Ctrl キー(Windows)または Command キー(Mac OS)を押しながら、バウンディングボックスのサイドハンドルをドラッグします。 配置したアートをワープするには、編集/変形/ワープを選択し、オプションバーのワープスタイルポップアップメニューから形状を選択します。 ワープスタイルポップアップメニューから「カスタム」を選択した場合は、コントロールポイント、バウンディングボックスまたはメッシュのセグメント、メッシュ内部の領域をドラッグして画像を変形します。.

PDF、EPS または Adobe Illustrator ファイルを配置する場合は、必要に応じてオプションバーの「アンチエイリアス」オプションを選択します。ラスタライズ処理中にエッジのピクセルの移行を滑らかにするには、「アンチエイリアス」オプションを選択します。ラスタライズ処理中に、エッジのピクセル間ではっきりしたエッジの効果を作り出すには、「アンチエイリアス」オプションの選択を解除します。. オプションバーの確定 をクリックするか、Enter キー(Windows)または Return キー(Mac OS)を押して、配置したアートワークを新しいレイヤーに確定します。 オプションバーのキャンセル をクリックするか、Esc キーを押して配置をキャンセルします。. Photoshop での PDF または Illustrator ファイルの配置. PDF または Adobe Illustrator ファイルを配置するときは、PDF を配置ダイアログボックスを使用して、アートワークの配置に関するオプションを設定します。.

配置先の Photoshop ドキュメントを開き、PDF または Adobe Illustrator ファイルを配置します。.


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October 27, Looking for: Adobe photoshop cc for ipad 自由. Click here to DOWNLOAD. In this training tutorial I will show you how to give a photo the look of engraving found on dollar bills. This technique is very simple, that in no time you will be making your own money! Learn to design a Fashion magazine cover using Photoshop.

My only guess is that you do not have the minimum requirements for CC It is so very very slow to load. Try asking in the Photoshop forums, maybe someone there has seen it before. Nik is will no longer be updated by Google. Photoshop is the last version that will be fully supported.

How can I revert back to PS? I am so bummed that NIK no longer is supported! Plus, I am having to re-learn Photoshop in lots of areas that I was just getting the hang of! Glad I found you. Is there any way to open or move a photo into a layer and have it automatically sized for the new canvas?

My search has come up with nothing. I used to practice on the previous version of Photoshop and when I used it the layers display panel would automatically show up. Please let me know:. Google stopped updating the Plugins.

To tell you the truth, CC17 sucks. It requires so much more work to get simple jobs done. Having trouble just getting aps to work!!!! Give me one example.

Thank you, Photoshop Training Channel! That is so Amazing!! Trying to learn Adobe PhotoShop by myself so your information is super useful to me. You are so nice to the haters too Lol.

Select the White Point eyedropper, and then click on a white area of the clouds. Dragging with the Move tool saves memory, because the clipboard is not used as it is with the commands. Tip Need images for a project like this one? Photoshop CC was released on October 15,. Email Required. Name Required. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Looking for: Adobe Photoshop — Wikipedia Click here to Download Photoshop CC is officially here, and it rolls out exciting new features for designers and digital photographers. Thanks for sharing! Photoshop CC was released on October 15, Adobe photoshop cc manual pdf free Adobe Photoshop keyboard shortcut for mac. Links to related articles. Previous Next. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Email Required Website Name Required Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

constrain rotation to common angles such as 90 degrees by holding down the Shift key as you drag the bounding box. Working with Selections Selecting with the Magnetic Lasso tool You can use the Magnetic Lasso tool to make freehand selections of areas with high-contrast edges. When you draw with the Magnetic Lasso tool, the selection border automatically snaps to the edge between areas of contrast. You can also control the selection path by occasionally clicking the mouse to place anchor points in the selection border.

areas, you may want to click to place your own fastening points. You can add as many as you need. To remove the most recent fastening point, press Delete, and then move the mouse back to the remaining fastening point and continue selecting.

Or you can move the Magnetic Lasso tool over the starting point and click once. Make sure that you can see the entire screw head in your image window. Then, without releasing the mouse button, press Alt Windows or Option Mac as you continue dragging the selection to the outer edge of the screw.

perfect circle, press Shift as you drag. Hold down Shift while dragging the Rectangular Marquee tool to select a perfect square. The selection is centered over its starting point.

If you accidentally released the Alt or Option key before you released the mouse button, select the screw again. Before you begin, make sure that the screw is still selected. The pointer becomes an arrow with a pair of scissors , indicating that dragging the selection will cut it from its current location and move it to the new location. Both resize propor tionally by default.

A bounding box appears around the selection. If the screw is no longer selected, reselect it now, using the techniques you learned earlier. The pointer changes, displaying the usual black arrow and an additional white arrow, which indicates that a duplicate will be made when you move the selection.

Pressing the Shift key as you move a selection constrains the movement horizontally or vertically in degree increments. Working with Selections Copying selections You can use the Move tool to copy selections as you drag them within or between images, or you can copy and move selections using commands on the Edit menu.

Copy takes the selected area on the active layer and puts it on the clipboard. Copy Merged creates a merged copy of all the visible layers in the selected area. Paste inserts the clipboard contents at the center of the image. If you paste into another image, the pasted content becomes a new layer. Paste Into pastes clipboard content inside the active selection in the same or a different image.

The source selection is pasted onto a new layer, and the area outside the selection is converted into a layer mask. If two documents have different pixel dimensions, the content you paste between them may appear to change size. This is because the content maintains its pixel dimensions as it is pasted into a document with different pixel dimensions.

You can use either the Crop tool or the Crop command to crop an image. Photoshop displays a crop boundary around the entire image.

Then confirm that Delete Cropped Pixels is selected. The shadowbox is complete! What is tolerance, and how does it affect a selection? Review answers 1 Only the area within an active selection can be edited. To subtract from a selection, click the Subtract From Selection button in the options bar, and then click the area you want to subtract.

You can also add to a selection by pressing Shift as you drag or click; to subtract, press Alt Windows or Option Mac as you drag or click. The Tolerance value determines how many color tones the Magic Wand tool will select. The higher the tolerance setting, the more tones are selected. This lesson will take less than an hour to complete. com PROJECT: TRAVEL POSTCARD In Photoshop, you can isolate different parts of an image on layers.

Each layer can then be edited as discrete artwork, giving you tremendous flexibility as you compose and revise an image. New files are generally created with a background layer, which contains a color or an image that shows through the transparent areas of subsequent layers.

All new layers in an image are transparent until you add text or artwork. Working with layers is analogous to placing portions of a drawing on clear sheets of film, such as those viewed with an overhead projector: Individual sheets may be edited, repositioned, and deleted without affecting the other sheets. When the sheets are stacked, the entire composition is visible.

Then double-click the Lesson04 folder in the Content panel to see its contents. You will create it in this lesson as you learn how to create, edit, and manage layers. psd file to open it in Photoshop. Layer Basics Using the Layers panel The Layers panel lists all the layers in an image, displaying the layer names and thumbnails of the content on each layer. You can use the Layers panel to hide, view, reposition, delete, rename, and merge layers. The layer thumbnails are automatically updated as you edit the layers.

The Layers panel lists five layers for the 04Working. psd file from top to bottom : Postage, HAWAII, Flower, Pineapple, and Background. If you click the eye, the image window no longer displays that layer. Notice the layer thumbnail and the icons shown for the Background layer: menu to hide or resize the layer thumbnail. Right-click Windows or Control-click Mac a thumbnail in the Layers panel to open the context menu, and then choose a thumbnail size.

The Layers panel changes to display the layer information for the active Beach. Notice that only one layer appears in the Beach. psd image: Layer 1, not Background. An image can have only one background layer. You cannot change the stacking order of a background layer, its blending mode, or its opacity. You can, however, convert a background layer to a regular layer. To convert a background layer into a regular layer: Click the lock icon next to the layer name.

The layer name changes to a numbered default layer name. Whether you drag from the image window of the original file or from its Layers panel, only the active layer is reproduced in the destination file. psd image onto the 04Working. Before you begin, make sure that both the 04Working. psd and Beach. psd files are open, and that the Beach. psd file is selected. Keep the layer selected. rename a layer, make sure you double-click the layer name text.

If you double-click outside the name, other layer options may appear instead. Photoshop displays both of the open image files.

Select the Beach. psd image so that it is the active file. E Tip: If you hold down Shift as you drag an image from one file into another, the dragged image automatically centers itself in the target image window. psd image window. If you purchase the images, Photoshop replaces the placeholders with highresolution images. The Beach layer now appears in the 04Working. psd file image window and its Layers panel, between the Background and Pineapple layers.

Photoshop always adds new layers directly above the selected layer; you selected the Background layer earlier. psd file without saving changes to it. psd file now contains six layers. Some of the layers are visible and some are hidden. The eye icon next to a layer thumbnail in the Layers panel indicates that the layer is visible. To select the layer, click the layer name in the Layers panel.

The layer is highlighted, indicating that it is active. Changes you make in the image window affect the active layer. The white background and other objects in the image disappear, leaving only the beach image against a checkerboard background.

The checkerboard indicates transparent areas of the active layer. A white border appears around the beach photo. Rearranging layers The order in which the layers of an image are organized is called the stacking order. The stacking order determines how the image is viewed—you can change the order to make certain parts of the image appear in front of or behind other layers.

The beach image is almost entirely blocked by images on other layers. In this case, the postmark is too dark on the flower. You can also type 25 in the Opacity box or scrub the Opacity label. The Postage layer becomes partially transparent, so you can better see the layers underneath. Notice that the change in opacity affects only the image area of the Postage layer. The Pineapple, Beach, Flower, and HAWAII layers remain opaque.

Duplicating a layer and changing the blending mode You can apply different blending modes to a layer. Blending modes affect how the color pixels on one layer blend with pixels on the layers underneath. Currently, the blending mode for both layers is Normal.

Click OK in the Duplicate Layer dialog box. the image changes as you move the mouse over the options in the Blending Modes menu. This is a quick way to preview the effect of each blending mode. The Overlay blending mode blends the Pineapple copy layer with the Pineapple layer beneath it to create a vibrant, more colorful pineapple with deeper shadows and brighter highlights.

The Multiply blending mode multiplies the colors in the underlying layers with the color in the top layer. In this case, the postmark becomes a little stronger. A Transform bounding box appears around the beach image. The bounding box has handles on each corner and each side. Watch the Width and Height percentages in the options bar. Drag clockwise to rotate the beach image approximately 15 degrees. You can also enter 15 in the Set Rotation box in the options bar.

Then, select the Move tool , and drag the beach photo so that its corner is tucked neatly beneath the flower, as in the illustration. also commit a transformation by clicking outside the transform bounding box. Adding empty layers to a file is comparable to adding blank sheets of film to a stack of images. The layer has no content, so it has no effect on the image. Create a swatch of the color in the Swatches panel, and then drag the swatch to a library in the Libraries panel.

Now that color is available to any Photoshop document that you open. The Background Color remains white. E Tip: If you expect Realistic-looking clouds appear behind the image.

Dragging to add a new layer You can add a layer to an image by dragging an image file from Bridge, or from the desktop in Explorer Windows or the Finder Mac. You can also do this with Adobe Stock images stored in your Creative Cloud Libraries. Layer Basics Blending modes Blending modes affect how the color pixels on one layer blend with pixels on the layers beneath them.

The default blending mode, Normal, hides pixels beneath the top layer unless the top layer is partially or completely transparent. Each of the other blending modes lets you control the way the pixels in the layers interact with each other. You can easily experiment with different blending modes in the Layers panel, watching the image change as you move the mouse over different options in the Blending Modes menu. As you experiment, keep in mind how different groups of blending modes affect an image.

Lighten your image, try Lighten, Screen, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge, or Lighter Color. Increase the contrast in the image, try Overlay, Soft Light, Hard Light, Vivid Light, Linear Light, Pin Light, or Hard Mix. Change the actual color values of the image, try Hue, Saturation, Color, or Luminosity. Create an inversion effect, try Difference or Exclusion. The following blending modes often come in handy, and can be good places to start your experimentation: Multiply does just what the name implies: It multiplies the color in the underlying layers with the color in the top layer.

Patterns or colors overlay the existing pixels while preserving the highlights and shadows of the underlying layers.

Difference subtracts darker colors from lighter ones. Then navigate to the Lesson04 folder. psd, and drag it from Explorer or the Finder onto your image. E Tip: You can drag The Flower2 layer appears in the Layers panel, directly above the Pineapple copy layer. Photoshop places the image as a Smart Object, which is a layer you can edit without making permanent changes.

images from a Bridge window to Photoshop as easily as you can drag from the Windows or Mac desktop. This layer is at the top of the layer stack because no layers were selected when it was created. Then click the Commit Any Current Edits button in the options bar. mistake when you click to set the type, simply click away from the type and repeat step 4.

Layer Basics 2 Right-click or Control-click the thumbnail in the HAWAII layer, and choose Select Pixels. The Background Color should still be white. The text has been rasterized converted to pixels.

gradient options by name rather than by sample, click the menu button in the gradient picker, and choose either Small List or Large List.

Or, hover the pointer over a thumbnail until a tool tip appears, showing the gradient name. If you want to be sure you drag straight up, press the Shift key as you drag. When the pointer reaches the top of the letters, release the mouse button. The gradient extends across the type, starting with orange at the bottom and gradually blending to white at the top.

These styles are easy to apply, and they link directly to the layer you specify. Like layers, layer styles can be hidden by clicking their eye icons in the Layers panel. Layer styles are nondestructive, so you can edit or remove them at any time. You can apply a copy of a layer style to a different layer by dragging the effect onto the destination layer.

Earlier, you used a layer style to add a stroke to the beach photo. If you set a lighting angle in one of these effects, every other effect with Use Global Light selected inherits the same angle setting. Angle determines the lighting angle at which the effect is applied to the layer. Distance determines the offset distance for a shadow or satin effect. Spread determines how gradually the shadow fades toward the edges. Size determines how far the shadow extends.

Click OK to accept the settings and close the Layer Style dialog box. In the Layers panel, the layer style appears nested in the Island Paradise layer. An Effects heading is listed first, and under that, the layer styles applied to the layer. An eye icon appears next to the effect category and next to each effect. To turn off an effect, click its eye icon. Click the visibility column again to restore the effect.

To hide all layer styles, click the eye icon next to Effects. To collapse the list of effects, click the arrow next to the layer. Select a layer using the style, click the Add Content button at the bottom of the Libraries panel, make sure Layer Style is selected, and then click Add. Now that style is available to any open Photoshop document. Layer Basics Julieanne Kost is an official Adobe Photoshop evangelist. You can apply a blending mode to an entire layer group and get a very different result than if you apply the same blending mode to each of the layers individually.

When a blending mode is applied to a group, Photoshop treats the group as a single merged object. Experiment with blending modes to get the effect you want. Do not click OK. click the word Satin. The contour controls the shape of the effect; Invert flips the contour curve. Layer Basics 12 Click OK to apply both layer styles.

Before applying layer styles The flower with the drop shadow and satin layer styles applied Adding an adjustment layer You can add adjustment layers to an image to apply color and tonal adjustments without permanently changing the pixel values in the image. For example, if you add a Color Balance adjustment layer to an image, you can experiment with different colors repeatedly, because the change occurs only on the adjustment layer.

If you decide to return to the original pixel values, you can hide or delete the adjustment layer. The effect is interesting, but you want to change only the Flower2 layer. click the layer name, not the thumbnail, to see the appropriate context menu. Layer Basics Extra credit Using an effect more than once in a layer style A great way to add visual impact to a design element is to apply multiple instances of effects such as strokes, glows, or shadows. Open 04End. psd in your Lesson04 folder.

Then match the Drop Shadow settings as shown below, and click OK. You can adjust your second drop shadow to change options such as color, size, and opacity. You can edit the text and watch how the layer effect tracks the change. search for layers in the Layers panel by layer type, layer name, effect, mode, attribute, and color. This worked because in Photoshop, you can change settings for an entire type layer by selecting it in the Layers panel, as long as a type tool is selected.

E Tip: You can As you edit the text, the layer styles are applied to the new text. have to click the Commit Any Current Edits button after making the text edits, because selecting the Move tool has the same effect. But in documents where many layers overlap, if the wrong layer is selected when you click, try turning off Auto-Select. Adding a border The Hawaii postcard is nearly done. The elements are almost all arranged correctly in the composition. In the Border Selection dialog box, type 10 pixels for the Width, and click OK.

A pixel border is selected around the entire image. Flattening combines all the layers into a single background layer. To appreciate what flattening does, notice the two numbers for the file size in the status bar at the bottom of the image window. The first number represents what the file size would be if you flattened the image. The second number represents the file size without flattening. This lesson file, if flattened, would be 2—3MB, but the current file is much larger.

So flattening is well worth it in this case. psd, and click OK. psd file open, but close the 04Working. Even though you chose Save rather than Save As, the Save As dialog box appears. This lesson only begins to explore the vast possibilities and the flexibility you gain when you master the art of using Photoshop layers.

A layer comp is simply a definition of the settings in the Layers panel. Whenever you want to preserve a specific combination of layer properties, create a new layer comp. Then, by switching from one layer comp to another, you can quickly review the two designs. The beauty of layer comps becomes apparent when you want to demonstrate a number of possible design arrangements. You might have the French text on one layer, and the English text on another in the same image file.

To create two different layer comps, you would simply turn on visibility for the French layer and turn off visibility for the English layer, and then click the Create New Layer Comp button in the Layer Comps panel. To view the different layer comps, click the Layer Comp box for each comp in the Layer Comps panel in turn.

If some aspects need to stay consistent among layer comps, you can change the visibility, position, or appearance of one layer in a layer comp and then sync it to see that change reflected in all the other layer comps.

The Libraries panel in Photoshop gives you direct access to millions of Adobe Stock images. In the Lesson04 folder, open 04End. Apply the changes to finish importing the image.

The image is now in your library. Click the to clear the search. With the ukulele layer selected, choose the Magic Wand tool in the Tools panel, and click anywhere within the white background. If the image you picked has an ID number in a corner, Shift-drag around the numbers with the Rectangular Marquee tool to include them, in the selection. With the ukulele layer selected, click License Asset in the Properties panel and follow the prompts.

After licensing, the image is automatically replaced with a high-resolution version without a watermark. If you plan to license many images, consider an Adobe Stock monthly plan or a pack of credits. Review questions 1 What is the advantage of using layers? Review answers 1 Layers let you move and edit different parts of an image as discrete objects. You can also hide individual layers as you work on other layers. Quick fixes get you the results you want without a lot of fuss. Photoshop gives you the tools to make quick changes to a snapshot.

LESSON 5 2 In the Favorites panel in Bridge, click the Lessons folder. Then, in the Content panel, double-click the Lesson05 folder to open it. Quick Fixes 3 Adjust the thumbnail slider, if necessary, so that you can see the thumbnail previews clearly. asks you if you want to import preferences from a previous version of Bridge, click No.

Fortunately, red eye is easy to fix in Photoshop. psd Not only does red eye make an ordinary person or animal appear unusual, but it can distract from the subject of the image. jpg file to open it in Photoshop. The Darken Amount specifies how dark the pupil should be. The red reflection disappears. How ever, if the red reflection is slightly off the pupil, try clicking the highlight in the eye first.

For a quick fix or a good starting point, try the Auto button or the presets, which are available in both the Levels and Curves adjustments. The image brightens. Quick Fixes 3 Choose Lighter from the Preset menu. The curve changes slightly. The difference between the two curves is that a preset applies the same curve to every image, while Auto customizes the curve after analyzing an individual image.

That brightens the image nicely, and also improves the contrast. use the Auto button or the white point or black point samplers eyedropper icons in the Curves or Levels adjustments, use them before applying manual adjustments. Like presets, adjustments by those tools replace manual adjustments. It includes Face-Aware Liquify options that can automatically recognize faces in images, and then lets you easily adjust facial features such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. For example, you can adjust the size of or distance between the eyes.

Being able to adjust facial features can be useful for photos used in advertising and fashion, when portraying a certain look or expression may be more important than faithfully representing a specific person.

You can drag those handles to adjust different parts of the face directly, as an alternative to dragging the Face-Aware Liquify sliders. Quick Fixes 3 Make sure the Eyes section is expanded and that the link icon is selected for both Eye Size and Eye Height; then enter 32 for Eye Size and 10 for Eye Height.

When the link icon is not selected for an Eyes option, you can set different values for the left and right eyes. If you want to exaggerate faces into caricatures or extreme expressions, you may want to use the more advanced manual tools along the left side of the Liquify dialog box. Before Face-Aware Liquify After Face-Aware Liquify Feel free to experiment with any of the Face-Aware Liquify options to get a better sense of the possibilities for quick, easy alterations.

Close the document and save your changes. It may not recognize a face that is turned too far away from the camera or when a face is partially covered by hair, sunglasses, or a hat shadow. psd thumbnail previews. psd In the final image, the egret appears sharper, as its reflection and the grass around it have been blurred.

Iris Blur, one of the interactive blurs in the Blur Gallery, makes the task an easy one—no masking required.

jpg file in the Lesson05 folder, and click OK or Open. Photoshop opens the image. Click OK in the Photoshop Format Options dialog box. You can adjust the location and scope of the blur by moving the center pin, feather handles, and ellipse handles.

At the top right corner of the Blur Gallery task space, you also see the expandable Field Blur, Tilt-Shift Blur, Path Blur, and Spin Blur panels. Center B. Ellipse C. Feather handle D. Blur 10 Press Alt Windows or Option Mac as you click and drag the feather handles to match those in the first image below. Pressing Alt or Option lets you drag each handle separately.

You can also change the same value by moving the Blur slider in the Iris Blur area of the Blur Tools panel. The blur may be a little too subtle. Adjust the blur to 6 px, and click OK in the options bar to apply it. The egret is accentuated by blurring the rest of the image. Because you applied the filter to a Smart Object, you can hide or edit the effect without altering the original image. Each gives you on-image selective motion blur tools, with an initial blur pin.

You can create additional blur pins by clicking on the image. You can apply a single blur or a combination of blurs, and you can create a strobe effect for path and spin blurs. Before After Iris Blur simulates a shallow depth-of-field effect, gradually blurring everything outside the focus ring. Adjust the ellipse handles, feather handles, and blur amount to customize the iris blur. When you first apply Field Blur, a pin is placed in the center of the image.

You can adjust the blur relative to that point by dragging the blur handle or specifying a value in the Blur Tools panel; you can also drag the pin to a different location.

Quick Fixes After Spin Blur is a radial-style blur measured in degrees. You can change the size and shape of the ellipse, re-center the rotation point by pressing Alt or Option as you click and drag, and adjust the blur angle. You can also specify the blur angle in the Blur Tools panel. Multiple spin blurs can overlap. This blur defines areas of sharpness and then fades to a blur at the edges.

You can use this effect to simulate photos of miniature objects. You control the shape and amount of the blur. When you first apply a Path Blur, a default path appears. Drag the end point to reposition it. Click the center point and drag to change the curve. Click to add additional curve points. You can also create a multiple-point path or a shape.

The Speed slider in the Blur Tools panel determines the speed for all the path blurs. The Centered Blur option ensures that the blur shape for any pixel is centered on that pixel, resulting in more stable-feeling motion blurs; to make the motion appear more fluid, deselect this option.

In the Effects tab, you specify the bokeh parameters to control the appearance of blurred areas. Before After You can add a strobe effect to spin and path blurs. Select the Motion Effects tab to bring its panel forward.

Strobe Flashes determines the number of exposures. You can use the Noise tab to restore noise or grain so that blurred areas match up with unblurred areas. Start with the Amount slider, and then use the other Noise options to match the character of the original grain.

Increase the Color value if the original has visible color noise, and lower the Highlights value if you need to balance the noise level in the highlights compared to the shadows.

Photoshop makes it easy to combine multiple images into a panorama so that your viewers can get the full effect. psd thumbnail preview. E Tip: In Bridge, you can preview a selected image in full screen mode by pressing the spacebar. This is useful for previewing detailed or large images such as a panorama. Press the spacebar again to close the preview. Creating a panorama from multiple images requires only a few clicks. Photoshop does the rest. E Tip: You can also 6 Shift-select all the images in the folder, and click OK or Open.

Then click OK. Quick Fixes Blend Images Together blends images based on the optimal borders between them, instead of just creating a simple rectangular blend. Vignette Removal performs exposure compensation in images with darkened edges. Geometric Distortion Correction compensates for barrel, pincushion, or fisheye distortion. Content Aware Fill Transparent Areas automatically patches the empty areas between the merged image edges and the sides of the canvas.

The bottom four layers are the original four images you selected. Photoshop identified the overlapping areas of the images and matched them, correcting any angular discrepancies. Those areas are indicated by the selection. will require more time when you merge more images, or images with large pixel dimensions. Photomerge works faster on computers that are newer or that have more RAM. Use a consistent focal length If you use a zoom lens, keep the focal length the same for all the pictures in the panorama.

A tripod with a rotating head makes that easier. Avoid lenses that produce creative distortion They can interfere with Photomerge. The Auto option does adjust for images you take with fisheye lenses. Use the same exposure The images will blend more gracefully if they all have the same exposure. For example, either use flash for all the images or for none of them.

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