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The online user manual is a Help file within the software. Reproduction This document may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form for educational or nonprofit uses, retsccreen special permission, provided retscreen expert manual pdf free of the source is made.

Natural Resources Canada would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this report as a source. However, some of the materials and elements found in this report are subject to copyrights held by other organizations. In retscreen expert manual pdf free cases, some restrictions on the reproduction of materials or graphical elements may apply; it may be necessary to seek permission from the author or copyright holder prior to reproduction.

To obtain information concerning copyright ownership and restrictions on reproduction, please contact RETScreen International. Disclaimer This report is distributed for informational purposes and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada nor constitute and endorsement of any commercial product or person. Neither Canada nor its ministers, officers, employees or agents makes any warranty in respect to this report or assumes any liability arising out of this report.

ISBN: Catalogue no. The core of the tool consists of источник статьи standardised and integrated clean energy project analysis software that can be used world-wide to evaluate the energy production, life-cycle costs and greenhouse gas emission reductions for retsdreen types of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies RETs. Each RETScreen technology model e. Wind Energy Project, etc.

The Workbook file is in-turn composed of a series of worksheets. These worksheets have a common look and follow a standard approach for all RETScreen models. In addition to the software, the tool includes: product, weather and cost databases; an online manual; a Website; an engineering textbook; project case studies; and a training course. Model Flow Chart Complete epxert worksheet row by row from top to bottom by entering values in shaded cells.

To move between worksheets simply “click” on the tabs at the bottom of each screen or on the “blue-underlined” hyperlinks built into the worksheets. Hence the freee may also access the online mannual manual, product database and weather database by clicking on the respective icon in the floating RETScreen toolbar. For example, to access the online user manual the user clicks on the “? Cell Colour Coding The user enters data into “shaded” worksheet cells.

All other cells that do not require input data are protected to prevent the user from mistakenly deleting a formula or reference cell.

The user selects the currency in which the monetary data of the project will be reported. Selecting “User-defined” allows the user to specify the currency manually by entering a name or symbol in the additional input cell that appears adjacent to the currency switch cell.

To facilitate the presentation of monetary data, this selection eexpert also be used to pd the monetary data by a factor e. If “None” is selected, all monetary data are expressed without units. Hence, where monetary data is used together with other units e. The user may also select a country to obtain the International Standard Organisation ISO threeletter country manuap code. For example, if Afghanistan is selected from the currency switch drop-down list, all project monetary data are expressed in AFA.

The first two letters of the country currency code refer to the frree of the country Retscreen expert manual pdf free for Afghanistanand the third letter to the name of the currency A for Afghani. Amnual information purposes, the user may want to assign a portion of a project нажмите чтобы прочитать больше retscreen expert manual pdf free in a second currency, to account for those costs that must be paid for in a currency other than the currency in which the project costs are reported.

To assign a cost item in a second currency, the user must select the option “Second currency” from the “Cost references” drop-down list cell. Some currency symbols may be unclear on the screen e. The user can increase the zoom to see those symbols correctly. Usually, symbols will be fully visible on printing even if not fully appearing on the screen display. If the user selects “Metric,” all input and output values will be expressed in metric units. But if the user selects “Imperial,” input and output values will be expressed in imperial units where applicable.

Only metric units are shown when they are the standard units used by the international wind energy industry retscreen expert manual pdf free. Note that if the user switches between “Metric” and “Imperial,” input values will not be automatically converted into the equivalent selected units. The user must ensure retscreen expert manual pdf free values entered in input cells are expressed in the units shown. This is done so that the user does not save-over the “master” file.

Instead, the user should use the “File, Save As” option. The user can then save the file on a hard drive, diskette, CD, etc. However, it is recommended to save the files in the “MyFiles” directory automatically set by the RETScreen installer program on the hard drive. The download procedure is presented in the following figure. It is important to note that the user should not change directory names or the file organisation automatically set by RETScreen installer program.

Also, the main RETScreen program file and the other files in the “Program” directory should not be moved. The workbooks have been formatted for printing the worksheets on standard “letter size” paper with a print quality of dpi.

If the printer being used has a different dpi rating then the user подробнее на этой странице change the print manuual dpi rating by selecting “File, Page Setup, Page and Print Quality” and then selecting the proper dpi rating for the printer.

Otherwise the user may experience quality problems with the printed worksheets. The Energy Model and Equipment Data worksheets are completed first. The Cost Analysis worksheet should then be completed, followed by the Financial Summary worksheet. The Sensitivity worksheet is provided to help the user estimate the sensitivity of important financial indicators in relation to key technical and financial parameters.

In general, the user works from top-down for each of the worksheets. This process can be repeated several times in order to help optimise the design of the wind retscreen expert manual pdf free project from an energy rretscreen and cost standpoint.

In addition to the worksheets that are required to run the model, the Introduction worksheet and Blank Worksheets 3 are included in the Retscreen expert manual pdf free Energy Project Workbook file. The Introduction worksheet provides the user with a quick overview of the model. Blank Worksheets 3 are provided to allow the user to prepare a customised RETScreen project analysis.

For example, the worksheets can be used to enter more details about the project, to prepare experr and to perform a more detailed sensitivity analysis. Results are calculated in common megawatt-hour MWh units for easy comparison of different technologies.

Site Conditions The site conditions associated with estimating the annual energy production of a wind energy project are detailed below. Project name The user-defined project name is given autodesk revit architecture 2014 free full version with crack free reference purposes only. Project location The user-defined project location is given for reference purposes only. Wind data source The user selects corel motion studio 3d free rar free wind по этому адресу source that will be used by the model to perform the calculations.

The options from the drop-down list are: “Wind speed” and “Wind power density. If “Wind power density” is selected, the user enters the annual wind power density for a given height. Nearest location for weather data The user enters the weather station location with the most representative weather conditions for the project.

This information is given for reference purposes only. The wind power density specified here must be retscreen expert manual pdf free on an air density of 1. The user may obtain the wind power density from wind maps or calculate it based on measured wind speeds. Height of wind power density The user enters the height from the ground for which the annual wind power density was calculated.

This value is used to calculate the wind speed at this level and the average wind speed at the hub height of the wind retscreen expert manual pdf free.

Annual average wind speed The retscreen expert manual pdf free enters the annual average wind speed retscreen expert manual pdf free at or near the proposed site. This value is used to retscreen expert manual pdf free the average wind speed at the hub height of the wind turbine which is then used to calculate the annual energy production. Most of these data should only be used as a starting point for a sensitivity analysis. Data from the RETScreen Online Retscreen expert manual pdf free Database should be considered conservatively given that it reports data for a location that has usually not been identified and picked for its optimal wind power potential.

Wind surveying in the vicinity of the weather station rettscreen lead to a site with a better average wind speed than the value provided in the RETScreen Online Weather Database. Retscreenn, project site data, when available, should always retscreen expert manual pdf free used in place of the data provided in the Odf Online Отличная download windows 10 2018 update Database.

Height of wind measurement The user enters the height from the ground at which the annual average wind speed was measured. This value is used to calculate the average wind speed at the hub height of the wind turbine. For stations for which the height of wind measurement is not available from the RETScreen Weather Database, the user should conduct a sensitivity analysis for this value using 3 m as the most conservative value and 10 m as the most probable value.

The average wind speed will typically have been measured at a height of 3 to m, with 10 m being most common. Any measurement at a height of less than 3 m should be corroborated by another source of data given the strong influence terrain roughness and obstacles will have on measurements that close to the ground.

Availability and installation of wind measuring equipment for heights of 50 m or more is becoming more common as technological innovation is increasing the height at which wind turbines are now installed. Wind shear exponent The user enters the wind shear exponent, which is a dimensionless number expressing the rate at which the wind speed varies with the height above the ground.

A low exponent corresponds to a smooth terrain whereas a high exponent is typical of a terrain with sizeable нажмите чтобы прочитать больше. This value is used to calculate the average wind speed maunal the wind turbine hub height and at 10 m.

The wind shear exponent typically ranges from 0. The low end of the range corresponds manusl a smooth terrain e. A wind shear of 0. The high end of the range 0. A value of 0. Wind speed at 10 m The model calculates the wind freee at the 10 m level in order to provide a common basis to compare two sites for which the wind speed has been measured at different heights.

A level of 10 m is the standard height for a typical meteorological station to measure retscreen expert manual pdf free wind. The 10 m wind speed is calculated using the annual average wind speed, the height of measurement and the wind shear exponent. Average atmospheric pressure The user enters the average atmospheric pressure on an annual basis. The power available увидеть больше the wind depends upon this value.

This value is used to retscreen expert manual pdf free the pressure coefficient WIND. The average atmospheric pressure is inversely proportional to the altitude. The average atmospheric pressure узнать больше здесь ranges from 60 to kPa.


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The RETScreen Online User Manual, Product Database and Weather Database can be accessed (flat terrain), assistance from an expert might be required. RETScreen®. Clean Energy Decision Support Centre. RETScreen® Software. Online User Manual. Ground-Source Heat Pump. Project Model.


– Retscreen expert manual pdf free


For example, if Afghanistan is selected from the currency switch drop-down list, the unit of currency shown in the “Foreign Amount” column is “AFA. For example, the user selects the Afghanistan currency AFA as the currency in which the monetary data of the project is reported i. Foreign Amount The model calculates the amount of an item’s costs that will be paid for in the second currency. This value is based on the exchange rate and the percentage of an items costs that will be paid for in the second currency, as specified by the user.

Initial Costs Credits The initial costs associated with the implementation of the project are detailed on the next page. The major categories include costs for preparing a feasibility study, performing the project development functions, completing the necessary engineering, purchasing and installing the energy equipment, construction of the balance of plant and costs for any other miscellaneous items. The energy equipment and balance of plant are the two cost categories showing the strongest dependence on the number of wind turbines that make up the wind farm.

Hence, the larger the wind farm, the more relative weight these two categories represent. The following table suggests typical ranges of relative costs, for the main cost categories, according to the wind farm class being analysed [Conover, ], [Zond, ] and [Vesterdal, ]. Feasibility studies typically include such items as a site investigation, a wind resource assessment, an environmental assessment, a preliminary project design, a detailed cost estimate, a GHG baseline study and a monitoring plan and a final report.

Feasibility study project management and travel costs are also normally incurred. These costs are detailed in the section below. In the case of a single turbine, this cost is highly dependent on the particular circumstances of the project. For the following cells the user should note that the level of effort person-days and cost associated with each item e.

The primary factor is usually the scale of the project. The time required to prepare a feasibility study for large wind farms with multiple turbines will normally be much larger than for small wind farms or single turbine projects.

Other factors, such as obtaining site information e. Site investigation Once a general area has been identified for the project installation, a site visit is required.

A wind energy project expert, and possibly a meteorologist, should visit the site to determine the general and specific characteristics of the site and region, to identify the essential data required and its availability, and to establish with greater accuracy the most probable location for the wind turbine s. Preliminary data gathering, which should build upon the initial pre-feasibility analysis data, should be conducted prior to, and during, the site visit.

A single site visit, which usually requires one day on site, will suffice to conduct the feasibility study for the vast majority of projects. The cost of a site visit will be influenced by the number of WIND. The time required to gather the data prior to the site visit and during the site visit typically falls between 2 and 8 person-days. Wind resource assessment Reliable wind resource data for the project site is critical for preparing a proper feasibility study.

A wind resource assessment consists of the installation of one or more meteorological towers at the site, the collection and the analysis of the wind resource data.

At least one year of measurement is recommended. Characteristics of the wind resource other that average annual wind speed, such as temperature, wind speed frequency distribution, turbulence intensity, icing occurrence, directional predominance, seasonal and diurnal variability, and distribution and duration of calm periods may also be of interest to the design and assessment of performance of a wind energy project.

The cost depends mainly on the tower height, the number and type of instruments mounted on the tower, on whether the required equipment is purchased or rented and on the scope of the analysis required. The number of towers varies according to the number of sites considered and the scale of the project. One or two towers will normally suffice for a single turbine or a small wind farm.

On the other hand, a large wind farm sited in complex terrain may justify the use of a number of meteorological towers corresponding to half the number of turbines forming the wind farm. Environmental assessment An environmental assessment is an essential part of the feasibility study work. While wind energy projects can usually be developed in an environmentally acceptable manner projects can often be designed to enhance environmental conditions , work is required to study the potential environmental impacts of any proposed wind energy project.

At the feasibility study stage, the objective of the environmental assessment is to determine if there are any major environmental impact that could prevent the implementation of a project.

Noise and visual impacts as well as potential impact on the flora and fauna must be addressed. The time required to consult with the different stakeholders, gather and process relevant data and possibly visit the site and local communities typically falls between 1 and 8 person-days. Preliminary design A preliminary design is required in order to determine the optimum plant capacity, the size and layout of the structures and equipment, and the estimated construction quantities necessary for the detailed cost estimate.

As with site investigations, the scope of this task is often reduced for WIND. Consequently, additional contingencies should be allowed to account for the resulting additional risk of cost overruns during construction. The cost of the preliminary design is calculated based on an estimate of the time required by an expert to complete the necessary work.

As with site investigations, the time required to complete the preliminary design will depend, to a large extend on the size of the project and corresponding acceptable level of risk.

The number of person-days required can range between 2 and Detailed cost estimate The detailed cost estimate for the proposed wind energy project is based on the results of the preliminary design and other investigations carried out during the feasibility study. The cost of preparing the detailed cost estimate is calculated based on an estimate of the time required by an expert to complete the necessary work.

The number of person-days required to complete the cost estimate will range between 3 and 20 depending on the size of the project and acceptable level of risk.

GHG baseline study and monitoring plan In order for the greenhouse gas GHG emissions reductions generated from a project to be recognised and sold on domestic or international carbon markets, several project documents need to be developed, the key elements of which are a GHG baseline study and a Monitoring Plan MP.

A GHG baseline study identifies and justifies a credible project baseline based on the review of relevant information such as grid expansion plans, dispatch models, fuel use on the margin, current fuel consumption patterns and emissions factors. The GHG baseline study sets a project boundary and identifies all sources of GHG emissions that would have occurred under the baseline scenario, i.

A Monitoring Plan identifies the data that needs to be collected in order to monitor and verify the emissions reductions resulting from the project and describes a methodology for quantifying these reductions as measured against the project baseline. An outside consultant or team is often called in to develop the baseline study and monitoring plan.

However, as more project examples become available and standardised methodologies are accepted, these studies may be more easily carried out by project proponents. Costs will depend on the complexity of the baseline, the size of the project and the availability of sectoral or regional baselines and standardised monitoring methodologies.

For example, CDM projects must also be monitored for their contribution to sustainable development of the host country. Report preparation A summary report should be prepared. It will describe the feasibility study, its findings and recommendations. The written report will contain data summaries, charts, tables and illustrations which clearly describe the proposed project.

This report should be in sufficient detail regarding costs, performance and risks to enable project investors and other decision makers to evaluate the merits of the project. The cost of the report preparation is calculated based on an estimate of the time required by an expert to complete the necessary work. Project management The project management cost item should cover the estimated costs of managing all phases of the feasibility study for the project, including the time required for stakeholder consultations.

Consultations with the stakeholders in a given project are called for in order to build support and collaboration toward the project, and to identify any opposition at the earliest stage of development. The cost of the management of the feasibility study is calculated based on an estimate of the time required by an expert to complete the necessary work. In addition, the time required to present the project to the stakeholders should not exceed an additional 3 person-days travel time must also be added.

Travel and accommodation This cost item includes all travel related costs excluding time required to prepare all sections of the feasibility study by the various members of the feasibility study team.

These expenses include such things as airfare, car rental, lodging and per diem rates for each trip required. In the case of isolated areas, rates for air travel will vary markedly. Airfares are typically twice those for similar distances in populated areas.

Since travel is a large component of the cost of doing work in isolated areas and the range of cost so variable, it is advised to contact a travel agent with experience in arranging such travel. Accommodation rates are typically twice the going rate for modest accommodation in populated areas.

The user must enter a positive numerical value in the “Unit Cost” column. A cost item may be entered in the grey input cell as “Other. The user can input both a quantity amount and unit cost. A credit item may be entered in the grey input cell as “Credit. Note that the credit item is expressed as a negative value in the “Amount” column.

Development Once a potential wind energy project has been identified through the feasibility study to be desirable to implement, project development activities follow. For some projects, the feasibility study, development and engineering activities may proceed in parallel, depending on the risk and return acceptable to the project proponent.

For wind energy projects, there are a number of possible project developers. Currently, a common approach is for private power developers to develop and own wind farms, where the energy is sold to the local electric utility or major local electric customers.

In other cases the electric utility may develop and own wind farms directly. There are also a number of situations where individual wind turbines are purchased by individual investors or businesses and the energy is then sold back to the utility. Wind energy project development activities typically include costs for such items as power purchase agreement negotiations, permits and approvals, land rights, land surveys, GHG validation and registration, project financing, legal and accounting, project development management and travel costs.

A PPA negotiation will be required if the project is to be owned privately, rather than by a utility, and will also involve legal and other professional advice e.

The cost of the negotiation of the PPA is calculated based on an estimate of the time required by experts to complete the necessary work. The number of person-days required can range between 0 and 30 person-days or more depending on the complexity of the contract.

Permits and approvals A number of permits and approvals may be required for the construction of the project. These include environmental approvals e. For a large wind farm, environmental approvals are likely to be the longest and most costly authorisations to obtain.

The cost of acquiring the necessary permits and approvals is calculated based on an estimate of the time required by an expert to complete the necessary work. For wind energy projects it can involve between 0 and person-days, depending on the scale, location and complexity of the project. As an example, wind farm projects in the 50 to MW scale range can require up to person-days to obtain the required permits and approvals.

Local laws for different scale projects can also have a significant impact on the amount of time required to receive the necessary approvals. In addition, the number of landowners that are involved in the project can also have a large impact on the time required to develop the project.

Right-of-way may be granted for the access road and electric lines. The land required for the project infrastructure may be leased or purchased. The user enters the total estimated cost of purchasing the required land that cannot be leased or used under a right-of-way agreement.

The cost should include an allowance for legal fees. Note that the estimated cost of negotiating any land lease and rights-of-way agreements should be included under the “Permits and approvals” section described above.

For large wind farms, the land is usually leased. In this case, the cost of the land rights must appear as an annual payment in the annual cost section described below and therefore, the user enters 0 as the initial cost of land rights.

In the case of a single turbine, the owner of the turbine WIND. If not, the cost that must be incurred to purchase the land must be entered by the user. The land for small wind farm can be either leased or purchased. Land survey The requirement to survey land will depend in large part on the status of the land ownership, zoning and land use planning, location, size and possible legal and insurance issues. Small and large wind farm will typically require 13 to 20 hectares per MW whereas a single turbine will likely require less than 1 hectare of land [Gipe, ].

The cost may vary if travel and accommodation costs are billed by a surveyor. GHG validation and registration Greenhouse gas GHG projects might need to be validated by an independent third party organisation to ensure that the project design documents, including the GHG baseline study and Monitoring Plan, meet the prescribed requirements.

Validation includes the confirmation that the emission reductions claimed by the project developer are considered realistic. GHG projects must then be registered through an accredited organisation. For other projects, third party validation may provide investors with increased confidence that the estimated emissions reductions will be achieved. The cost of validation will vary according to the size of the project.

Wind energy projects are usually capital intensive, long-term investments. The cost of financing will be comprised of the effort required by experts to make the arrangements, identify investors and solicit funds. Typical rates for such work are set at a percentage of the financed amount and may include a fixed commencement fee.

The cost of project financing is calculated based on an estimate of the services required to secure both debt and equity commitments. As a rule-of-thumb, the cost of acquiring the necessary project financing should be about 1. Legal and accounting Legal and accounting support will be required at different points throughout the development stages of the project. This cost item allows the user to account for legal and accounting services not included as part of other development cost items such as for establishing a company to develop the project, to prepare monthly and annual financial statements, for project accounting, etc.

The requirement for legal support will depend on the arrangements for financing, ownership, insurance, assumption of liability and complexity of contracts and agreements. The cost of legal and accounting support is calculated based on an estimate of the time required by experts to provide these services throughout the development of the project.

Project management The project management cost item should cover the estimated expenses of managing all phases of the development of the project excluding construction supervision. Public relations are also included as part of the project management cost item. Public relations can be an important element for successful project implementation. The elapsed time for the development of a wind energy project can be up to 4 years.

The project management time not including the time to manage the feasibility study will involve between 0. However, the investment in public relations will depend on the level of local support deemed necessary to achieve a successful implementation of the project. This cost item includes all travel related costs excluding time required to develop the project. Other These input cells are provided to allow the user to enter cost or credit items that are not included in the information provided in the above cost category.

Engineering The engineering phase includes costs for the wind energy project wind turbine s micro-siting, mechanical, electrical and civil design, tenders and contracting, and construction supervision. These costs are detailed below. Wind turbine s micro-siting Upon a decision to construct the wind energy project at the completion of the feasibility study, individual wind turbine micro-siting might be required due to site specific variations in winds due to topography, terrain, obstructions, land cover, etc.

For large-scale projects, the bulk of the cost resides in the time invested by the micro-siting team. It can include energy and civil engineers, meteorologists, computer simulation experts and draftsmen.

The cost of micro-siting will also include costs for necessary maps and topographical data and may include additional surveying. Depending upon the accuracy and appropriateness of wind resource data, it may be necessary to include the cost for a wind resource modelling expert to prepare a site assessment report. The cost of micro-siting should WIND. As an example, large wind farms in the 50 to MW scale range will be at the high end of this range while a small wind farm may require a much lower effort of approximately 3 to 10 persondays.

Mechanical design The principal mechanical engineering tasks will be associated with design and planning of the assembly and erection of equipment. The cost of the mechanical engineering should be based on an estimate of the time required by experts to complete the necessary work. Electrical design The principal electrical engineering tasks will be associated with design and planning of construction of the control and electrical protection systems and the electrical interconnection with the existing electrical grid.

For instance, the interconnection study will address all safety aspects related to the addition of a new production source on the grid, as well as analyse the impact with respect to the quality of the power delivered. The level of effort will be influenced by the availability of appropriate design information from the wind turbine supplier and interconnection requirements from the utility. The cost of the electrical engineering should be based on an estimate of the time required by experts to complete the necessary work.

Civil design The principal civil engineering tasks will be associated with design and planning of construction of the foundations, access roads and other on ground systems. The level of effort will be influenced by the availability of approved design information from the suppliers and site specific information regarding access, soil conditions, surface drainage and other physical conditions.

As an example, large wind farms in the 50 to MW scale range will be at the high end of this range while a small wind farm may require a much lower effort of approximately 3 to 20 persondays. Tenders and contracting Upon completion of the various engineering tasks, tender documents usually are prepared for the purpose of selecting contractors to undertake the work.

Once tenders are released, the contracting process is required to both negotiate and establish contracts for the completion of the project. The cost of the tendering and contracting process should be based on an estimate of the time required by professionals to complete the necessary work.

As an example, large wind farms in the 50 to MW scale range will be at the high end of this range while a small wind farm may require a much lower effort of approximately 6 to 20 persondays.

Construction supervision The construction supervision cost item summarises the estimated costs associated with ensuring that the project is constructed as designed.

Construction supervision is provided either by the consultant overseeing the project or by the equipment supplier, or the project manager. Construction supervision involves regular visits to the job site to inspect the installation. For example, the installation of a small single turbine should not require more than 0. Travel time to the site for construction supervision is in addition to the range given.

Travels costs should be included in the development section above. Energy Equipment The energy equipment, as defined here, includes the wind turbine s , associated spare parts and transportation costs.

For a large wind farm, the energy equipment cost is by far the most important cost item of the project. Wind turbine s A wind turbine consists of all components above the foundation including the tower and a control system to interface to a utility distribution service at a transformer or disconnect switch. Wind turbine towers are an integral part of the wind turbine and it is not normally suggested that alternatives be used. Many manufacturers offer a range of tower heights and may offer guyed and free standing lattice and tubular configurations.

The generic cost or price of a wind turbine system is expressed in terms of dollars per kW. The suggested cost typically includes a 1 to 5 year warranty, depending on the manufacturer. Wind Turbine Costs The price of a wind turbine system should be obtained from the manufacturer or its agent.

The request for price should include a request for breakdown relative to other cost input data necessary such as spare parts, extended warranty, erection equipment, training programs and shipping. The after purchase price will most often be significantly higher.

The extent of the inventory required will depend on the reliability of the wind turbine, warranty, number of machines at the site, transportation difficulty and availability of off-the-shelf components. The cost of spare parts should normally be requested as an element of the purchase price request from the manufacturer. The cost allocated to spare parts is best described as a percentage of the total turbine cost.

For large wind farms, operating in normal conditions, an inventory of spare parts representing at the most 1. Transportation Transportation costs for equipment and construction materials will vary widely depending upon the mode of transport available and the location of the project site. Costs to handle the material at the receiving end should be considered. In isolated areas, bulk shipments may be received only once a year. Logistical control is extremely important here.

Shipping costs should be obtained from shipping agents when the scope of the project, equipment and materials are determined.

The table below provides typical weights of the main components for various sizes of wind turbines on the market. Balance of Plant The balance of plant for a wind energy project typically includes a number of items. The user may refer to the RETScreen Online Product Database for supplier contact information in order to obtain prices or any other information required.

Wind turbine s foundation s Wind turbine foundations include the labour and material, such as forms, concrete, steel frames and anchors, pilings and fabricated parts.

The wind turbine foundations will be specific to the wind turbine and to the site. The manufacturer should be requested to provide design information and loads data for design of foundations. Cost estimates for foundations and materials should be requested from contractors in the project area. In some instances the type of foundations used in some areas will be much different than that which might be used in a community where the construction of concrete bases is a standard practice.

Transportation of material could be a large portion of the cost. A more precise estimate can be obtained once the geotechnical surveys have been conducted. Foundation costs also depend on the number and exact size of the wind turbines, the type of tower used and WIND. Hence, the costs suggested can be significantly higher for isolated project sites [Lynette, ] and [Reid, ].

Wind turbine s erection Wind turbine erection includes labour and rental or purchase of equipment. The equipment required may vary from cranes and heavy vehicles to special winches, gin poles and other mechanical equipment specific to the wind turbine being considered. For isolated project sites it will usually be more cost-effective to rent tools and equipment, depending on availability, rather than to purchase and ship them in.

Costs for rental equipment can be very high. Good planning is required. Many times deals can be worked for resale of equipment in the community after use if rental equipment is not available. The user will need to check for their availability and costs on a case by case basis.

Often, the various construction contractors will include these costs in their bids so make sure not to double count those items here. Skilled labour to construct a large energy project may not be available in all project locations. The cost of skilled and unskilled labour in isolated areas is typically twice the rate found in populated areas. Productivity can often be considerably lower for a number of reasons, such as weather conditions, skills, etc.

Travel costs will have to be added for labour required from outside the project area. This proportion increases with small wind farm and single turbine installation, due to smaller economies of scale. Road construction An access road for construction and an on-going service road is normally required for a medium to large-scale wind energy project.

These requirements will depend on the site selection and the nature of the terrain. There may be seasonal limitations both for construction activity and for use of roads to transport equipment. At some project sites there may be no need for road construction even if the site selected is not on existing routes.

The location of existing roads is a consideration during site selection. The length of the road required comprises the length of the access road to the site and the length of the service road on the site, linking the turbines, if there is more than one turbine.

The anticipated length of the required access and service roads can be determined by topographic maps. The table below provides an indication of the approximate costs involved, assuming reasonable access. Underground lines are normally used to connect the wind turbines in a given row of a wind farm. Their cost can be 2 to 4 times higher than an equivalent aerial line.

The following costs representative of aerial lines should be adjusted based on site conditions. Estimated Transmission Line Costs The user enters the length of the transmission line and the cost per unit of length. In areas of permafrost, special soil conditions can increase the cost of line extension significantly.

Advice from an expert specialising in local transmission line design or construction may be required in order to estimate this cost. Substation The substation cost is site specific and depends mainly on the voltage and the installed capacity of the power plant being developed. Auxiliary electrical equipment may also include such items as dump loads and heaters, banks of capacitors, monitoring equipment and integrated or SCADA type control systems.

Estimated Substation Costs The user calculates the total cost based on the substations and other auxiliary electrical equipment. For smaller scale projects near to a community electric distribution grid, substation costs will likely be lower than presented in the table.

Due to the costs of these buildings, the project developer should try to avoid this requirement where it is practical to do so. A control building may also serve as a location for maintenance work and storage of spare parts and materials. Modern wind turbines can be controlled remotely which may eliminate the need for such a facility.

Existing utility locations may be possible alternatives. Construction costs for buildings will be very high in some communities. Usually a local builder will be able to give a quick estimate for the cost of a suitable new structure or for renovation of an existing space. Note that some cost items detailed above may include transportation costs when performed by local contractors so the user should be careful not to double count.

For wind energy projects these costs can include training, commissioning, contingencies and interest during construction. Training The costs associated with the training of plant operators and maintenance personnel will depend on the size, complexity and remoteness of the installation.

For isolated areas, there will be a greater need for local trained technicians in order to avoid lengthy repair delays. For a large wind farm, up to 6 maintenance technicians per section of 50 wind turbines, in addition to 3 operators, may be required.

However, some of the periodic repairs e. Training costs include professional fees. Any travel expenses can be entered in “Travel and accommodation” under the “Development” section. Commissioning Commissioning is the last activity of the construction phase. It consists of operating all the equipment to detect and fix any malfunctions, and ensure that the wind turbines and the wind farm function as guaranteed.

Commissioning normally involves the monitoring of the wind plant performance over a set period of time under typical operating conditions. It could also depend on the climatic conditions to the extent that a sustained period of sufficient wind is required to prove the adequate performance of the equipment.

Contingencies The allowance made for contingency costs depends on the level of accuracy of the cost estimates. Contingencies are estimated based on a user-selected percentage of the subtotal of all project WIND. Note that contingencies are incremental in the sense that they are derived from project costs including any credits. The allowance for contingency items should be based on the level of accuracy associated with the RETScreen pre-feasibility estimate of the project costs.

However, this accuracy will depend on the expertise of the study team, the scale of the project being considered, the level of effort put forward to complete the pre-feasibility study and the availability of accurate information. Interest during construction Interest during construction short-term construction financing will vary depending on the duration of construction and the cost of money.

Although the construction of a wind farm can take up to one year, normally not more than 6 months are required between delivery of the turbines the most important cost item and commissioning of the wind farm. Annual Costs Credits There will be a number of annual costs associated with the operation of a wind energy project. These will include land lease, property taxes, insurance premium, transmission line maintenance, parts and labour, GHG monitoring and verification, community benefits, travel and accommodation and general and administrative expenses.

In addition, costs for contingencies will also be incurred. It is often necessary to negotiate the use of the land where the project is being implemented. In some cases an agreement may be established that a renewable energy project is a desirable use of the land and that no land use expenses will be charged to the project developer. As an example, this may be the case on government owned land. However, in most cases the landowner requires compensation for use of the land over a fixed period of time.

Farmers, who can still use the land in and around the project site, are a common example. Property taxes This cost item summarises the annual costs of property taxes and is calculated as a percentage of the total estimated initial costs. Property tax might be levied on a wind energy project, depending upon the jurisdiction. Insurance premium This cost item summarises the annual insurance premium costs and is calculated as a percentage of the total estimated initial costs.

As a minimum, insurance is required for public liability, property damage, equipment failure and business interruption. The annual costs for insurance can be significant for an energy project and should be estimated by contacting an insurance broker.

Transmission line maintenance The user enters the percentage of capital costs associated with transmission line maintenance costs. The maintenance of transmission lines associated with a wind energy project will involve periodic clearing of trees where present and replacement of parts e. The annual cost of transmission line maintenance is estimated based on the capital cost of the transmission line and substation.

Parts and labour The parts and labour cost item summarises the cost of spare parts and annual labour required for routine and emergency maintenance and operation of the wind turbine s.

Operation includes monitoring, regular inspection of the equipment including routine lubrication and adjustments , snow, ice and dirt removal, scheduled maintenance internal inspection and maintenance of the turbine s , etc.

Productivity is often much less. The rates proposed below should thus be adjusted accordingly if appropriate. The cost for parts and labour is best expressed in terms of dollars per kWh produced by the wind energy project. For a large wind farm, this cost falls between 0. For small wind farms and single turbines, a cost of 0. GHG monitoring and verification Greenhouse gas GHG monitoring is generally carried out by project proponents in accordance with the data requirements and methods laid out in the Monitoring Plan.

If additional data needs to be collected in order to estimate GHG emissions, the cost of collecting that data and quantifying emissions reductions should be estimated.

Note that in the case of Clean Development Mechanism CDM projects sustainable development indicators will also need to be monitored.

For small-scale CDM projects 15 MW or less , monitoring requirements will be simplified, and therefore the estimated costs should be reduced. Most GHG projects will also require third party verification of emissions reductions on an annual or periodic basis. For Joint Implementation JI projects, verification results in an independent confirmation of the actual emissions reductions the project has achieved and the quantification of Emissions Reduction Units ERUs.

Some host countries may also require a percentage of the value of CERs to be paid as an administration fee note this percentage can be entered and accounted for on the GHG Analysis worksheet. It may be decided to bundle and incur GHG monitoring and verification on a periodic e. This could take the form of a donation to support a public awareness centre for the wind farm, donations to charitable organisations, a grant to support cultural or sporting events, scholarships, training sessions, environmental protection, etc.

General and administrative Annual general and administrative costs include the costs of bookkeeping, preparation of annual statements, bank charges, communication, etc.

General and administrative costs are project specific and depend on the nature of the business enterprise e. Contingencies A contingency allowance should be included to account for unforeseen annual expenses and will depend on the level of accuracy of the operation and maintenance cost estimate section. This is especially true in the case of project in isolated areas.

It is common to carry a contingency allowance for at least the replacement of the most expensive component subject to catastrophic failure. The contingency allowance is calculated based on an estimated percentage of the other operation and maintenance costs.

Periodic Costs Credits This section is provided to allow the user to specify the periodic costs associated with the operation of the system over the project life. Grey input cells are provided to allow the user to WIND.

A periodic cost represents recurrent costs that must be incurred at regular intervals to maintain the project in working condition. A periodic cost item is entered in the grey input cell. The user then selects “Cost” from the drop-down list in the unit column. The interval in years over which the periodic cost is incurred is entered in the period column.

The amount of the cost incurred at each interval is entered in the unit cost column. The project may also be credited for periodic costs that would have been incurred over the project life of the base case, or conventional, energy system. The periodic credit item is entered in the grey input cell. The user then selects “Credit” from the drop-down list in the unit column.

The interval in years over which the periodic credit is incurred is entered in the period column. The amount of the credit incurred at each interval is entered in the unit cost column.

End of project life The user enters the value of the project at the end of its life. This amount is also commonly referred to as the salvage value or disposal value. If the salvage value of the project at the end of its life is positive, then the user selects “Credit” from the drop-down list in the unit column in order to express this item as a negative value.

However, if the costs of remediation or decommissioning that must be incurred at the end of the project life exceed the salvage value, then the user must select “Cost” from the drop-down list. In addition to this summary information, the Financial Feasibility section provides financial indicators of the project analysed, based on the data entered by the user in the Financial Parameters section. The Yearly Cash Flows section allows the user to visualise the stream of pre-tax, after-tax and cumulative cash flows over the project life.

The Financial Summary worksheet of each Workbook file has been developed with a common framework so as to simplify the task of the user in analysing the viability of different projects. This also means the description of each parameter is common for most of the items appearing in the worksheet.

One of the primary benefits of using the RETScreen software is that it facilitates the project evaluation process for decision-makers. The Financial Summary worksheet, with its financial parameters input items e. A description of these items, including comments regarding their relevance to the preliminary feasibility analysis, is included below. Project name The user-defined project name is entered for reference purposes only in the Energy Model worksheet, and it is copied automatically to the Financial Summary worksheet.

Project location The user-defined project location is entered for reference purposes only in the Energy Model worksheet, and it is copied automatically to the Financial Summary worksheet. Renewable energy delivered The Energy Model calculates the annual renewable energy production MWh of the project. This renewable energy delivered by the project also equates to the annual energy savings as compared with the base case electricity system. For central-grid applications, all the energy produced is assumed to be absorbed by the grid.

The model does not consider storage of excess renewable energy. In this case, the renewable energy delivered equals the renewable energy collected less the excess energy available. Excess RE available For “Isolated-grid” and “Off-grid” grid types, the Energy Model calculates the excess renewable energy available MWh , which is the energy from the renewable energy system that is not absorbed by the grid or off-grid load and, therefore, is available as a by-product for heating or other uses.

Firm RE capacity The firm RE capacity refers to the “guaranteed” electrical power kW that a renewable energy electric power project can deliver. For wind energy projects, which are inherently intermittent, the user enters an “avoided cost of capacity” that is agreed upon with may need to be negotiated the local electric utility.

This avoided cost of capacity will depend upon the profile of the local electrical demand and renewable energy supply conditions. In the most conservative cases, due to the intermittent nature of wind energy resources, the firm renewable energy capacity value would equal 0. Grid type The grid type is selected in the Energy Model worksheet, and it is copied automatically to the Financial Summary worksheet.

Peak load For “Isolated-grid” and “Off-grid” grid types, the peak electrical load kW of the local electric utility or application for off-grid systems is entered in the Energy Model worksheet, and it is copied automatically to the Financial Summary worksheet. This is the peak load faced during the year.

Net GHG emission reduction – credit duration The model calculates the cumulative net greenhouse gas GHG emission reduction for the duration of the GHG credit, in equivalent tonnes of CO2 tCO2 , resulting from the implementation of the project instead of the base case, or baseline, system. This value is calculated by multiplying the appropriate net annual GHG emission reduction by the GHG reduction credit duration. This value is calculated in the GHG Analysis worksheet and it is copied automatically to the Financial Summary worksheet.

For projects in which a change in baseline emission factor has been selected in the GHG Analysis worksheet, the model indicates the net annual average GHG emission reduction for the years preceding the change. This value is calculated in the GHG Analysis worksheet, and it is copied automatically to the Financial Summary worksheet. Net GHG emission reduction – project life The model calculates the cumulative net GHG emission reduction for the duration of the project life, in equivalent tonnes of CO2 tCO2 , resulting from the implementation of the project instead of the base case, or baseline, system.

This value is calculated by multiplying the appropriate net annual GHG emission reduction by the project life. Financial Parameters The items entered here are used to perform calculations in this Financial Summary worksheet.

Values for each parameter will depend on the perspective of the user e. Avoided cost of energy The user enters the avoided cost of energy per kWh. This value typically represents either the “average” or the “marginal” unit cost of energy for the base case electricity system and is directly related to the cost of fuel for the base case electricity system. The user is given the flexibility in the model to determine what the base case electricity system is.

For example, the base case energy costs being avoided may be for a new combined-cycle natural gas fired power plant established as a “proxy” or baseline reference case by the local utility. The user will need to determine this value.

Avoided cost of energy calculations for electric power generation usually require a relatively detailed analysis [Leng, ]. For electric power generation, electric utilities will normally calculate this value for their service area. This value may also be the amount that utilities might pay independent power producers IPP for electricity produced by the IPP. Utilities might assign a higher value where distributed generation benefits are obtainable [Leng, ].

A more detailed description is beyond the scope of this manual for a more detailed description see Johansson, However, a brief description of possible values follows. For “Isolated-grid” and “Offgrid” applications, the following figure [Sigma, ] can be used to estimate the “ball park” avoided cost of energy for diesel fuel electric generation.

This value typically represents the amount that can be credited to the project in exchange of the production credit generated by the renewable energy delivered by the system. It is used in conjunction with the renewable energy delivered to calculate the annual RE production credit income. For example, it is possible to receive a tax credit of 1. Whether or not a given project would qualify to receive such payments depends on the rules of the specific programs in the jurisdiction in which the system is installed.

The value entered is assumed to be representative of year 0, i. For tax purposes, the RE production credit is treated as supplemental income.

The model escalates the RE production credit value yearly according to the RE credit escalation rate starting from year 1 and throughout the RE production credit duration. RE production credit duration The user enters the renewable energy RE production credit duration year.

This value typically represents the number of years for which the project receives a RE production credit. It is used to calculate the annual RE production credit income. This allows the user to apply rates of inflation to the value of renewable energy production credits which may be different from general inflation. The model escalates the GHG emission reduction credit value yearly according to the GHG credit escalation rate starting from year 1 and throughout the project life.

This value typically represents the number of years for which the project receives GHG reduction credits. It is used to determine the annual GHG reduction income. If a crediting period of 10 years is selected, once the project has been validated and registered, Certified Emission Reductions CERs can be certified and issued for the 10 years of the project without revisiting the baseline. However, in the case of a renewable 7 year crediting period, the project will have to be validated after each 7 year period in order to receive CERs for the subsequent 7 years.

Thus in selecting a crediting period, the benefits of the potentially longer crediting period of the renewable crediting period e. This permits the user to apply rates of inflation to the market price of GHG emission reduction credits which may be different from general inflation.

Avoided cost of excess energy The user enters the avoided cost of excess energy per kWh. The avoided cost of excess energy may range from zero, where there is no need for the excess energy, to a value close to the local retail price for electricity. Avoided cost of capacity The user enters the avoided cost of capacity per kW-yr. Unless the user knows this value, it is safer to assume a zero for this entry as this number is often incorporated into the “avoided cost of energy” value.

If the project being evaluated has a zero “Firm RE capacity” then this item is hidden in the spreadsheet. The value of avoided cost of capacity typically represents either the “average” or the “marginal” unit cost of capacity for a base case electric power system. This value is directly related to the cost of generation capacity for the base case electricity system. Avoided cost of capacity calculations for electric power generation usually requires a relatively detailed analysis.

This value may also be the amount that utilities will pay IPPs for electric capacity provided to the utility. A more detailed description is beyond the scope of this manual for a more detailed description, see Johansson, This permits the user to apply rates of inflation to energy costs which are different from general inflation for other costs.

The rate generally viewed as being most appropriate is an organisation’s weighted average cost of capital. An organisation’s cost of capital is not simply the interest rate that it must pay for long-term debt. Rather, cost of capital is a broad concept involving a blending of the costs of all sources of investment funds, both debt and equity. The discount rate used to assess the financial feasibility of a given project is sometimes called the “hurdle rate,” the “cut-off rate,” or the “required rate of return.

Project life The user enters the project life year , which is the duration over which the financial feasibility of the project is evaluated. Depending on circumstances, it can correspond to the life expectancy of the energy equipment, the term of the debt, or the duration of a power purchase agreement. Although the model can analyse project life’s up to 50 years, the project life of a well designed wind energy project typically falls between 20 and 30 years. The debt ratio reflects the financial leverage created for a project; the higher the debt ratio, the larger the financial leverage.

The model uses the debt ratio to calculate the equity investment that is required to finance the project. The model uses the debt interest rate to calculate the debt payments. For example, at a minimum the debt interest rate will correspond to the yield of government bonds with the same term as the debt term.

A premium is normally added to this rate the “spread” to reflect the perceived risk of the project. Debt term The user enters the debt term year , which is the number of years over which the debt is repaid. The debt term is either equal to, or shorter than the project life. Generally, the longer the term, the more the financial viability of an energy project improves. The model uses the debt term in the calculation of the debt payments and the yearly cash flows.

The term of the debt normally falls within a 1 to 25 year range. It should not exceed the estimated project life. Income tax analysis The user indicates by selecting from the drop-down list whether or not income tax should be factored into the financial analysis.

If the user selects “Yes” certain input fields will be added to allow the user to customise the income tax analysis according to the specific circumstances of the project.

In some situations, the after-tax return of a project can be more attractive than its pre-tax return. The income tax analysis allows the model to calculate after-tax cash flows and after-tax financial indicators. In all cases, the model assumes a single income tax rate valid throughout the project life and applied to net income. Note that the analysis is based, among others, on net initial and annual costs, i. Net taxable income is derived from the project cash inflows and outflows assuming that all revenues and expenses are paid at the end of the year in which they are earned or incurred.

The effective income tax rate is assumed to be constant throughout the project life. Note that sales tax should be considered in the “Initial Costs” section of the Cost Analysis worksheet and that property tax should be considered in the “Annual Costs” section. The user indicates by selecting from the drop-down list whether or not losses are carried forward, i. Be the first to learn about software updates and receive other RETScreen-related news.

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RETScreen adalah sistem Perangkat Lunak Manajemen Energi Bersih untuk efisiensi energi, energi terbarukan, dan analisis kelayakan proyek kogenerasi serta analisis kinerja energi berkelanjutan. RETScreen Expert , versi premium tingkat lanjutan dari perangkat lunak ini, tersedia dalam mode Penampil secara gratis. RETScreen memberdayakan para profesional dan pengambil keputusan agar dapat dengan cepat mengidentifikasi, menilai, dan mengoptimalkan kelayakan teknis dan kelayakan keuangan proyek-proyek energi bersih.

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Ang RETScreen ay isang Software para sa Pamamahala ng Malinis na Enerhiya na sistema para sa pagka-episyente ng enerhiya, pagsusuri ng renewable na enerhiya at feasibility ng proyekto ng cogeneration at gayundin ang pagsusuri ng pagganap ng enerhiya. RETScreen Expert , isang advanced premium na bersiyon ng software, ay available sa Viewer mode nang ganap na lobre. Ang RETScreen ay tumutulong sa mga propesyunal at mga nagsasagawa ng pagpaplano at desisyon na mabilis na matukoy, matasa, at ma-optimize ang teknikal at pinansiyal na viability ng potensiyal na mga proyekto ng malinis na enerhiya.

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The user then selects “credit” from the drop-down list in the unit column. The model calculates the fuel consumption on a monthly basis. Stackhouse , R. The model assumes that there is no waste heat recovered for CHP applications.

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