دليل تركيا
دليل الشركات - أخبار تركيا - سياحة وسفر - فرص عمل - العلاج والتجميل

شركة سنتوستافانو

شركة سنتوستافانو للالبسة النسائية في تركيا

Sento Stefano

STORY‎ شركة سنتوستافانو
The history of brand.
Factory Sento Stefano was established in 1989 in Istanbul.
The most important aspect of working always was high quality and satisfaction of costumers requirements. Developed infrastructure, accent at design, which always according to the fashion trends and demands of market are helping us to always be in Top of Turkish manufacturers.
All our work is based at honesty and decency. Also we never stop in development and always studying. Innovative decisions, scientific-technical progress and new methods of production allowing us to prove that nothing is impossible.
All relations inside Sento Stefano are based at professionalism. We love our job and always
d excited Our personnel is working with freelancers from all world, to make our production better.

Very i cultural, national and spiritual values. Unlike another brands of «fast fashion» our politic is«available luxury». Our models are innovative, a lot of them are handiwork. Sento Stefano is one of leaders in registration patents of intellectual property,

The building of factory Sento Stefano covers 6.500 m2 of closed area. capacity in service is 55000 models a month, stuff 120 people- professionals of textile production.

In season collections: jackets, coats, dresses, trousers, shorts, skirts, shirts, blouses and etc. The Production of Sento Stefano you can meet in Europe, Russian Federation, Caribbean islands and Senegal. Factory Sento Stefano always configured to laonable price always combined with high quality of production. In future we hope to capture the attention of world community and to become to a brand of boutique level. Sento Stefano specialized at women clothes, the main idea is creation of luxury subjects.

الشركة المنتجة:

شركة سنتوستافانو للالبسة النسائية في تركيا

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