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Praised by instructors for its concise, focused approach and user-friendly format, the Illustrated Series engages both computer rookies and hot shots in mastering Microsoft Publisher quickly and efficiently. Read Now ». Scheduling software such as Microsoft Outlook includes an email program. Two other office productivity software include Web authoring and desktop publishing software. Web authoring software helps you design and develop Web pages that Document production software, which includes word-processing software such as Microsoft Word and desktop publishing software Microsoft Publisher , allows you to write and format text documents.

Skills are accessible and easy-to-follow thanks to the Illustrated Series’ hallmark 2-page layout, which allows students to see an entire task in one view. New Learning Outcomes outline the skills covered in each lesson, and larger full-color screens represent exactly what students should see on their own computers. Each unit begins with a brief overview of the principles of the lesson, and introduces a case study for further application.

Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Author : Joy L. For the past three decades, the Shelly Cashman Series has effectively introduced computer skills to millions of students. In this text you’ll find features that are specifically designed to engage students, improve retention, and prepare them for future success. With these enhancements and more, the Shelly Cashman Series continues to deliver the most effective educational materials for you and your students.

This all-in-one book makes the computer concepts and skills your students need to know easily accessible. Key application skills are clearly demonstrated using the user-friendly two-page spread found in the popular Microsoft Office Illustrated Introductory, First Course. Author : David W.

Praised by instructors for its concise, focused approach and user-friendly format, the Illustrated Series incorporates a hallmark two-page layout that allows readers to see an entire task in one view. Skills are accessible and easy-to-follow with new Learning Outcomes that outline the skills covered in each lesson and larger full-color screen images that reflect exactly what readers should see on their own computers.

Each unit begins with a brief overview of the principles of the lesson and introduces a case study for further application. The Enhanced Edition includes a new Student Success Guide that not only helps students prepare for success in their class, but also guides them through the use of OneNote to facilitate that. The Enhanced Edition also features new and updated appendixes that offer a variety of opportunities to explore cloud computing and other developing applications in more depth.

Author : Marjorie S. Hunt Publisher: Cengage Learning ISBN: Category: Computers Page: View: Read Now » Praised by instructors for its concise, focused approach and user-friendly format, the Illustrated Series engages both computer rookies and hot shots in mastering Microsoft Office applications quickly and efficiently.

Skills are accessible and easy-to-follow thanks to the Illustrated Series’ hallmark 2-page layout, which allows you to work through an entire task without turning the page! New Learning Outcomes outline the skills covered in each lesson, and larger full-color screens represent exactly what you should see on your own computer. Using a concise, focused approach and user-friendly format, the Illustrated Series provides a hallmark two-page layout that allows readers to work through an entire task without turning the page.

Skills are accessible and easy-to-follow with new Learning Outcomes that outline the skills covered in each lesson and larger full-color screens that preview what users should see on their own computers.

New and updated appendixes explore cloud computing and other developments in more depth. Readers strengthen their understanding of the latest features in MS Access for ongoing success. Search for: Search.


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