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It just has two names. They come from the same code base but have different platform targets. The pricing reflects the expected usages for each as well. I encourage you to follow up with your reseller and get them to give you the pitch. The content you requested has been removed. Ask a question. Quick access. Search windows server 2016 standard licensing guide free download threads.

Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Windows IoT. Sign in to vote. Can someone give me some information? Thursday, February 15, PM. Sincerely, Windows 10 iot enterprise cpu support free download. Friday, March 1, PM. Regards, Manish Singh May the Force be with you. Monday, June 24, AM. I also encounter this one. Wednesday, March 4, AM. Hi RyLM, They come from the same code base but have different platform targets.

Wednesday, March 4, PM. Sincerely, IoTGirl I see! Now it’s clear to me both versions have the same code base. At first, I’m worried because I might be using the incorrect version. Thanks alot. Thursday, March 5, AM. Hi RyLM, Please do discuss your use case with a reseller to know which is the correct one for you. Thursday, March 5, PM.



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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. This specification details the processors that can be used with Customer Systems that include Windows Products including Custom Images.

Updates to this specification may be released in the future as requirements change. For each listed edition, Company must use only the processors listed, as specified in the tables below.

The requirements below apply whenever the edition below is pre-installed or windows 10 iot enterprise cpu support free download gree external media, including as downgrade or down edition software. For clarity, Company must also meet all enterpriise and other requirements specified in Minimum Hardware Requirements for Windows, available at Windows minimum hardware requirements. If after the inclusion entwrprise a processor series in this specification “Listed Processor”a processor becomes commercially available that uses the same naming convention or identifier as a Listed Processor but has additional or different features or functionality “New Processor”Company must not use New Processor for Customer Systems without Microsoft’s prior written permission.

The processors listed in the tables below, represent the latest processor generations and models which are supported for the listed Windows Edition.

There may be other dependencies like hardware-specific drivers which are not reflected in windows 10 iot enterprise cpu support free download matrix. Please contact your OEM or processor manufacturer for hardware-specific support.

New system submissions are no longer accepted 110 certification. Company may submit for certification in the Windows Hardware Compatibility Program Server Systems running Windows Server and the identified processors until December 31, ; after such date, no new Server Systems will be certified running Windows Server The listing is a prerequisite for system certification.

Only systems based on the above approved processors can be certified for Windows Server. Unless otherwise noted, Microsoft will continue to evaluate the processor list for a given OS release and update the windows 10 iot enterprise cpu support free download as new appropriate processors are available in market. Windows Server System Requirements. Comparison of Standard and Datacenter editions of Windows Server Windows 10 system requirements.

Download the Windows Server licensing datasheet. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus autodesk autocad 2015 application free. Table of contents. In this article. Supported AMD Processors. Supported Intel Processors. Supported Qualcomm Processors.


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