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New material could ‘drive wound healing’ using the body’s inbuilt healing system

مواد جديدة تساعد على التئام الجروح عن طريق تسخير طرق العلاج الطبيعية


طور باحثون  مادة جديدة تتفاعل مع الأنسجة المحيطة لتعزيز الشفاء

إسفنج الكولاجين “Collagen Sponges”: فعالة جداً في حالة الحروق الشديدة وبعض أنواع الجروح (قرح الفراش، أماكن التبرع برقع الجلد، قرح القدم، آثار الجراحة، إلخ)، حيث أن لديها القدرة على امتصاص كميات كبيرة من الإفرازات وإبقاء رطوبة الجروح أقل ما يمكن، والحماية ضد حدوث عدوى بكتيرية.

New material could ‘drive wound healing’ using the body’s inbuilt healing system

TrAPs: DNA Nanotechnology for Wound Healing

[videopack id=”538085″]http://daleelturkiye.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/IMG_5444.mov[/videopack]

Imperial researchers have developed a new bioinspired material that interacts with surrounding tissues to promote healing.

Materials are widely used to help heal wounds: Collagen sponges help treat burns and pressure sores, and scaffold-like implants are used to repair broken bones. However, the process of tissue repair changes over time, so scientists are looking to biomaterials that interact with tissues as healing takes place.

Creatures from sea sponges to humans use cell movement to activate healing. Our approach mimics this by using the different cell varieties in wounds to drive healing

Dr Ben AlmquistDepartment of Bioengineering

Now, Dr Ben Almquist and his team at Imperial College London have created a new moleculethat could change the way traditional materials work with the body. Known as traction force-activated payloads (TrAPs), their method lets materials talk to the body’s natural repair systems to drive healing.

The researchers say incorporating TrAPs into existing medical materials could revolutionise the way injuries are treated. Dr Almquist, from Imperial’s Department of Bioengineering, said: “Our technology could help launch a new generation of materials that actively work with tissues to drive healing.”

The findings are published in Advanced Materials.

Cellular call to action

After an injury, cells ‘crawl’ through the collagen ‘scaffolds’ found in wounds, like spiders navigating webs. As they move, they pull on the scaffold, which activates hidden healing proteins that begin to repair injured tissue.

The researchers in the study designed TrAPs as a way to recreate this natural healing method. They folded the DNA segments into three-dimensional shapes known as aptamers that cling tightly to proteins. Then, they attached a customisable ‘handle’ that cells can grab onto on one end, before attaching the opposite end to a scaffold such as collagen.

This intelligent healing is useful during every phase of the healing process, has the potential to increase the body’s chance to recover, and has far-reaching uses on many different types of wounds.

Dr Ben Almquist

Department of Bioengineering

During laboratory testing of their technique, they found that cells pulled on the TrAPs as they crawled through the collagen scaffolds. The pulling made the TrAPs unravel like shoelaces to reveal and activate the healing proteins. These proteins instruct the healing cells to grow and multiply.

The researchers also found that by changing the cellular ‘handle’, they can change which type of cell can grab hold and pull, letting them tailor TrAPs to release specific therapeutic proteins based on which cells are present at a given point in time. In doing so, the TrAPs produce materials that can smartly interact with the correct type of cell at the correct time during wound repair.

This is the first time scientists have activated healing proteins using differing cell types in man-made materials. The technique mimics healing methods found in nature. Dr Almquist said: “Creatures from sea sponges to humans use cell movement to activate healing. Our approach mimics this by using the different cell varieties in wounds to drive healing.””

From lab to humans

This approach is adaptable to different cell types, so could be used in a variety of injuries such as fractured bones, scar tissue after heart attacks, and damaged nerves. New techniques are also desperately needed for patients whose wounds won’t heal despite current interventions, like diabetic foot ulcers, which are the leading cause of non-traumatic lower leg amputations.

TrAPs are relatively straightforward to create and are fully man-made, meaning they are easily recreated in different labs and can be scaled up to industrial quantities. Their adaptability also means they could help scientists create new methods for laboratory studies of diseases, stem cells, and tissue development.

Aptamers are currently used as drugs, meaning they are already proven

X-ray of hand with broken ring finger

TrAPs could harness the body’s natural healing powers to repair bone

يمكن لـتقنية TrAPs تسخير طرائق الشفاء الطبيعية  لإصلاح كسور العظام والمفاصيل والأصابع 

safe and optimised for clinical use. Because TrAPs take advantage of aptamers that are safe for humans, they may be able to take a shorter path to the clinic than methods that start from ground zero.

Dr Almquist said: “TrAPs provide a flexible method of actively communicating with wounds, as well as key instructions when and where they are needed. This intelligent healing is useful during every phase of the healing process, has the potential to increase the body’s chance to recover, and has far-reaching uses on many different types of wounds. This technology could serve as a conductor of wound repair, orchestrating different cells over time to work together to heal damaged tissues.”

The research was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Wellcome Trust.

“Biologically Inspired, Cell-Selective Release of Aptamer-Trapped Growth Factors by Traction Forces” by Anna Stejskalová, Nuria Oliva, Frances J. England, and Benjamin D. Almquist, published 7th January 2019 in Advanced Materials.

© imperial

مواد جديدة تساعد على التئام الجروح عن طريق تسخير طرق العلاج الطبيعية

 هناك دراسات جديدة ستساعد المرضى في سرعة شفاء الجروح أياً كانت، بالتالي إلى تقليل فترة التعافي .

وهذه  المواد الطبية الجديدة يمكن أن تساعد في علاج الحالات الصعبة مثل القدم السكرية وغيرها.

لذلك يطور العلماء مواد حيوية تتفاعل مع الأنسجة أثناء الالتئام.

تعتبر TrAPs مادة من صنع الإنسان بشكل كامل، مما يعني أنه يمكن إعادة إنشائها بسهولة في مختبرات مختلفة و يمكن زيادتها إلى الكميات المطلوبة، إن قابليتها للتكيف تعني أيضًا أنها يمكن أن تساعد العلماء في ابتكار طرق جديدة للدراسات المخبرية للأمراض والخلايا الجذعية وتطور الأنسجة.

“توفر تقنيه TrAP طريقة مرنة لإنشاء مواد تتواصل بفعالية مع الجروح و توفر التعليمات الاساسية متى وأينما احتجت إليها. هذا النوع من التكنولوجيا الذكية و الديناميكية مفيدة خلال كل مرحلة من مراحل عمليه الشفاء، و لديها القدرة علي زيادة فرصة الجسم للتعافي خلال فترة بسيطة، و لها استخدامات بعيدة المدى على العديد من أنواع الجروح المختلفة. هذه التكنولوجيا لديها القدرة على أن تكون العلاج الأنسب لإصلاح الجروح، و تنسيق خلايا مختلفة مع مرور الوقت للعمل معًا على معالجة الأنسجة التالفة”.

المصدر: ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research

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